Asylum seeker detained for using fake passport suing the Government for causing him depression Coventry asylum seeker sues UK Government for £150,000 Union chief warns cheap foreign labour is dynamite Big, but dipping Stowaway express: Border agency coach waved through every day could have brought hundreds of illegals into UK 'LIFE' FOR MIGRANT IN RAPE RAMPAGE BNP event costs taxpayer £500,000 to police, as four protesters are charged following clashes with officers Labour's jobs miracle has been a disaster for a whole generation LABOUR IS GUILTY OF AN UTTER BETRAYAL OF BRITAIN'S YOUNGA selection of recent media reports
A failed asylum seeker who entered the country using a fake passport is suing the Government for £150,000 claiming his detention caused him depression.
Daily Mail (17-Aug-2009)
by Michael Corley, Coventry Telegraph 1 2 next A REFUGEE who fled to Coventry to escape the Taliban is suing the Government for a six-figure sum. Fridoon Sadiqi, of Prior Deram Walk, Canley, is seeking up to £150,000 in damages because he alleges he was unlawfully arrested and detained for more than three...
Coventry (17-Aug-2009)
* Head of ETUC calls for tighter rules on cheap immigrants * ETUC's Monks says tempers could fray as unemployment rises * Predicts "tough winter" as no end of recession in sight By John O'Donnell BRUSSELS, Aug 17 (Reuters) - The head of the European Trade Union Confederation has called for a change to EU...
Guardian Unlimited - Business (17-Aug-2009)
Remittances held up well in 2008, but this year will be much...
Economist (17-Aug-2009)
A coach used by Border Agency workers to commute to France could have provided a route for hundreds of illegal immigrants into Britain. A stowaway was seen fleeing from the coach in Folkestone, Kent, at the end of last month, in what appeared to be a one-off incident.
Daily Mail (17-Aug-2009)
AN immigrant who raped a mother and a teenage girl within days of arriving in Britain as a stowaway has been jailed indefinitely by a judge who said he was a danger to women .
Daily Express (17-Aug-2009)
A large-scale operation to police the BNP's annual Red, White and Blue Festival operation cost taxpayers £500,000 it emerged today, as 1,500 anti-fascist demonstrators protested at the event.
Daily Mail (16-Aug-2009)
Jeff Randall says it is way too late to blame the Tories for the latest, terrible unemployment figures.
Daily Telegraph (14-Aug-2009)
AS THE dole queues lengthen, the full catastrophe of socialist rule becomes ever more apparent. Labour came to power 12 years ago promising a new dawn for our country. Instead they have plunged Britain into a darkening nightmare of economic collapse, mass unemployment, social division and unprecedented debts.
Daily Express (14-Aug-2009)
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
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Britannia Radio