Missing Ethiopian athletes seek asylum Immigrant detainee moves suffer safeguard shortfalls Britain's biggest firms fined £10m for employing more than 2,000 illegal immigrants UK graduates could lose out under immigration proposalsA selection of recent media reports
Four Ethiopian athletes who were due to compete at an international meeting in Scotland today were missing last night after fleeing from their hotel in London.
The Herald_uk (26-Aug-2009)
A review into the process of escorting immigration detainees, some of whom travel to and from Yarl s Wood, has found worrying gaps in safeguards. The report published this week by Dame Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, has revealed inconsistent treatment of detainees and a lack of interpretation and..
Bedfordshire on Sunday (26-Aug-2009)
Some of Britain's biggest companies and restaurant chains are among more than 1,100 firms caught employing illegal immigrants. Those organisations which have been fined by the Home Office include security firm G4S, Pizza Hut and upmarket eatery Chez Gerard, as well as Wimpy and a BP garage.
Daily Mail (25-Aug-2009)
New immigration proposals could lead to an influx of foreign IT graduates into the UK the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (Apsco) has warned.
ComputerWeekly.com (25-Aug-2009)
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
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Britannia Radio