IMMIGRATION STATISTICS - COMMENT BY CO-CHAIRS OF THE CROSS PARTY GROUP ON BALANCED MIGRATION Control of Immigration: Statistics - United Kingdom 2008 (PDF format, 1.06 Mb) Randy couples push pop to 61m UK population hits 61 million Baby boom pushes Britain's population past 61m in biggest jump for almost half a century The EU should protect asylum seekers HAVE WE FORGOTTEN WHY WE FOUGHT IN WORLD WAR TWO? Commission wants EU-wide scheme to resettle refugees Hannan finds praise for Enoch Powell Daniel Hannan & Enoch Powell: Spectacular Media Stupidity Guaranteed Skills shortages could hold employers back in the recovery Vietnamese stowaways caught on way to Birmingham Ethiopian athletes on way to Scotland flee Missing Ethiopian athletes seek asylum Immigrant detainee moves suffer safeguard shortfallsA selection of recent media reports
UKs POPULATION ON TRACK FOR 70 MILLION Governments own, new survey shows 79% of people want immigration cut
Balanced Migration Cross Party Group on Immigration (27-Aug-2009)
Summary: This gives immigration control statistics and information on asylum and persons granted settlement in the United Kingdom for 2008. Subjects: European and international affairs; Government and public administration; Social issues Regions: National 2009-08-27 11:23:43 Control of Immigration:... (27-Aug-2009)
BRITAIN is in the middle of one of the biggest baby booms in HISTORY as randy couples push the population to record levels.
The Sun (27-Aug-2009)
The UK population increased by a record amount last year to top 61 million for the first time, figures revealed today. There were 408,000 more people living here in 2008, the Office for National Statistics said.
The Independent (27-Aug-2009)
A baby boom has pushed Britain's population above 61 million for the first time in history. There were 408,000 more people living here in 2008, the Office for National Statistics said.
Daily Mail (27-Aug-2009)
We shouldn't automatically label immigrants 'illegal', but tell that to the EU, especially when it comes to Italy's accord with... (27-Aug-2009)
ON the eve of the Battle of Britain in 1940, when the fate of our nation hung in balance, Spit- fire pilot Bill Millington wrote to his parents, Being British, I am proud of my country and its peoples, proud to serve under the Union Jack and regard it as an Englishman s privilege to fight for all those...
Daily Express (27-Aug-2009)
Low number of refugees accepted by EU member states prompts Commission plans for resettlement scheme.
European Voice (27-Aug-2009)
David Cameron came under pressure to discipline the Tory MEP Dan Hannan after he praised Enoch Powell and named him as one of his biggest political influences.
The Independent (27-Aug-2009)
If a politician expresses admiration for Winston Churchill do you immediately think that he's a great fan of, among other considerations, casual indifference to the Bengal famine, the use of chemical weapons in Iraq or the pulverisation and total destruction of German cities? Of course you don't.
The Spectator (26-Aug-2009)
Skills shortages continue to afflict employers despite rising unemployment and could damage their competitiveness in the recovery. Employers and recruitment agencies have warned many positions including those of head teachers, nuclear engineers and food technologists, remain hard to fill and could make it... (26-Aug-2009)
More than a dozen illegal migrants were found being trafficked into the UK hidden in a delivery lorry bound for a Vietnamese restaurant in Birmingham. The Vietnamese stowaways were found inside the lorry carrying food products when it was examined by UK Border Agency officers stationed at the French port of..
Birmingham (26-Aug-2009)
FOUR Ethiopian athletes due to take part in a major athletics event tonight have disappeared from their hotel in London and are believed to be seeking asylum.
The Scotsman (26-Aug-2009)
Four Ethiopian athletes who were due to compete at an international meeting in Scotland today were missing last night after fleeing from their hotel in London.
The Herald_uk (26-Aug-2009)
A review into the process of escorting immigration detainees, some of whom travel to and from Yarl s Wood, has found worrying gaps in safeguards. The report published this week by Dame Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, has revealed inconsistent treatment of detainees and a lack of interpretation and..
Bedfordshire on Sunday (26-Aug-2009)
Friday, 28 August 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 07:02