DEBKAfile Special Report August 28, 2009, 7:47 AM (GMT+02:00) Prince Muhammad bin Nayef visits bodyguard hurt in attack on his convoy two years ago Muhammad bin Nayef, son and assistant of Interior Minister Prince Nayef who spearheads the kingdom's crackdown on al Qaeda, was injured Thursday night, Aug. 27, when a suicide bomber blew himself up at an open Ramadan gathering in Jeddah. He was officially termed lightly wounded. The king Abdullah rushed to visit him in hospital before he was reported discharged. DEBKAfile's counter-terrorist sources: It was the first time in the eight-year anti-terror campaign launched by Saudi Arabia after the 9/11 attacks in the United States that a terrorist has got close enough to a Saudi royal for an attempted assassination. DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 27, 2009, 10:02 PM (GMT+02:00) Abdullah, Hashemite King of Jordan While the Obama administration is preparing to stage a US-Israeli-Palestinian summit at the UN General Assembly in New York next month, Jordan's king Abdullah, who has always claimed to be an ardent champion of the Palestinians, is quietly acting to cut down their numbers and influence in his kingdom. Just over 50% of Jordan's six million citizens are Palestinian. On Aug, 6, he addressed the Jordanian General Staff in Amman with a warning that domestic and foreign plots were afoot to stir unrest among the Palestinian majority community. Senior Saudi prince injured by al Qaeda suicide bomber
More...Jordan's King Abdullah purges regime and army of Palestinians
Friday, 28 August 2009
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Britannia Radio