Special Dispatch | No. 2470 | August 3, 2009
Tawfiq Tirawi, Security Advisor to PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas: Jerusalem Cannot Be Regained Without Thousands of Martyrs
Following are excerpts from an address by Tawfiq Tirawi, security advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud 'Abbas, which aired on Al-Filistiniya TV on July 23, 2009.
To view this clip, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2189.htm .
"Whoever Thinks That Israel Will Give Us Anything is Deluding Himself"
Tawfiq Tirawi: "I am saying these things so that we understand that words are ineffective. Action is effective. Today, you have chosen to call [your course] 'The Return [of the Refugees] and Jerusalem.' Believe me, brothers, whoever thinks that Israel will give us anything is deluding himself. And why would they give us anything? The Palestinians are divided, and the Arabs are weak. Any negotiations that are not based on a position of strength will not get you anything from the enemy. Indeed, why would they give us our rights as long as we are weak, divided, and dispersed?
"Therefore, action [is what we need]. We do not have a position of strength on which negotiations can be based. However, as [former Israeli PM Yitzhak] Shamir said in 1993, if we want negotiations for the sake of negotiations, it can go on for decades."
"Jerusalem Needs Thousands of Martyrs"
"But let me tell you, Jerusalem needs thousands of martyrs. If we live to see the day, and you become the leaders of the future, mark my words: It is impossible for Jerusalem to be restored to us without thousands of martyrs. Anyone who thinks that America will restore Jerusalem to us is mistaken. It will never restore Jerusalem to us. And if it does not give us Jerusalem, how can it possibly give us the Right of Return?
"These are the two symbols that you have chosen as the title of this course. These two symbols require blood, action, efforts, resistance, and Palestinian unity."