Sun 16 Aug 2009 Social Democrat opposition leader Helle Thorning Schmidt follows suit Danish politics take another turn to the right For many years the 'nationalist xenophobic' Danish People's Party was the only one pointing out the threat posed to the formerly so peaceful Danish society by the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have established a parallel society. They 'enriched' Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale country by turning it into a multicultural hell hole with honor killings, rapes and even mass rapes of Danish girls and woman, attacks on innocent Danes, police, ambulances and firemen, swindling asylum seekers, and shootouts with automatic weapons now being everyday news. The Danish People's Party and its leader, the charismatic Pia Kjaersgaard, used to be the target of virulent accusations and venomous slander [Nazi, racist, xenophobe] by the socialist opposition, and to a lesser degree by some politicians of the traditional centre right parties. But now it seems most of the Danish political spectrum agrees the DDP has been right all along, and has now begun copying the party's anti-Muslim rethorics and policies. Muslim threat more serious than climate problems Lene Espersen, former justice minister, now Minister of economic and business affairs, leader of the liberalistic party 'Konservative' and Denmark's vice Prime Minister, said in an interview that 'the Muslim threat against our society is more serious than the climate problems', according to one of the country's largest newspapers 'Ekstra Bladet'. Lene Espersen in Ekstra Bladet August 16: 'The biggest threat against Denmark and Danish values comes from Muslims, says conservative leader and vice prime minister Lene Espersen, now speaking in a tone normally only heard from her collegues from the Danish People's Party.' 'Lene Espersen is happy that many of them are active in the working place, but this does not solve the problem,' she points out. 'The problem is that if those who are working are not a part of Danish society in spite of that, things don't work. They go to work, and earn their own money, but live in a parallel society, where they sit and watch Arab and Pakistani television when they come home, and thus are not connected with Danish society,' says Lene Espersen (K). She sees a strengthening of 'value politics' as the way out of what she calls a growing problem. And she is not alone.... After several month of massive campaigning by the left wing media including the two major Danish TV stations Danmarks Radio and TV2, on behalf of rejected Iraqi asylum seekers who occupied the Copenhagen Bronson's Church, according to polls a massive majority of the Danes supports the arrests and the incarceration of the rejected asylum seekers, among whom are families and children, as well as a number of convicted criminals. The violent protests from extreme left fringe demonstrators, now calling them selves 'Church Asylum' [Kirkeasyl], and the statements of a number of left leaning pastors hasn't changed that. On the contrary, in spite of the left wing extremists, refugee organizations, Amnesty International, and the media's attempts to blame to police for being to heavy handed during their cleansing of the Copenhagen Brorsons Church of Muslim occupiers and their left wing extremist Danish supporters, not only most of the general population, but also the Socialdemocratic leadership showed their support for the actions by the Copenhagen police. Social democrats support police action against Iraqi Church occupiers The Social Democratic opposition leader Helle Thorning Schmidt appeared on television yesterday, and said she completely supported the actions of the police, and that there will be no room for extremist activists and rejected asylum seekers trying to undermine Danish law. Rejected asylum seekers who in some cases have been proceeding in Denmark for more than 7 years after having been rejected, only have themselves to blame and will have to leave the country no matter what. She added in no uncertain terms, that the Social Democratic Party stands for the current 'strict immigration policy', [in reality we see record immigration numbers this year!] which will continue even if a Social Democrat led government would take over government after the next elections. The former Social democratic Party Leader, and candidate for the leadership of the European Union, Poul Nyrup Ramussen who voiced concerns about 'the unworthy treatment of people in need', and a number of other of the Party's internal critics, were told that their time as a policy maker was over, and that they no longer were in charge of the Social Democratic Party line. And even the leader of the extreme left Party Socialist People's Party (SF) Villy Soevndal won more popular support when also he began using rhetorics resembling those which traditionally have been used mainly by the moderately nationalist Danish People's Party. His party gained so much popular support, that it may turn out larger than the Social Democrat party of Helle Thorning Schmidt after the next elections, and will be the main coalition partner of a possible eventual Social Democrat led new government. Job stealing immigrants include underpaid Eastern Europeans The financial crisis has made Danes more aware of the consequences of the later years' disastrous immigration policies. Loss of jobs to extremely low paid Eaterne European workers, Europan Union directives undermining the Danish labor markets traditional rules, and threatening to undermine Danish autonomy on subjects such as immigration. More job losses every day Not a day goes by without new reports of major businesses closing down and thousands of workers losing their jobs. AP Moeller Maersk container shipping, air travel company SAS, work intensive export slaughter houses, windmill producer Vestas, pump manufactorer Grundfos, Danfoss, HIFI designer equipment producer Bang & Olufson, Carlsberg Breweries, Aalborg Portland, Coloplast and numerous other companies are cutting down jobs at an alarming rate. Many Danes who traditionally have stretched their mortgages and bank loans to the limit, fear they will have to say goodbye not only to their jobs, but to their homes as well. The collapse of the housing market hasn't made things any better either for those whose economic survival is threatened by the massive layoffs, which are expected to increase for a long time to come. Danish banks such as Danske Bank and Nordea were hit hard after the collapse of the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme as well, in addition Denmark had it's own 'Madoff affair'; the Stein Bagger case which left thousands of investors, amongst them high profile celebrities without a dime. There are large numbers of applicants for almost any kind of job vacancy now, even those jobs which formerly were hard to fill. Hard line justice and stricter immigration policies gaining ground All of these financial troubles together with the clear signs of the decay of Danish society, with daily shootouts in major cities, an alarming rise in the number of a formerly unknown crime; 'home robberies' often perpetrated by immigrants from Eastern European countries, and the growing conscience of the threat to society by ever increasing numbers of clearly non integrationable backward Muslim immigrants has turned public opinion in favor of hard line justice and restrictive immigration policies. 'Law and order' is no longer just a right wing priority, but has now been adopted by the Social Democrats as well. The Social Democrat's extrem left wing coalition partner, the Socialist Party (SF) headed by Villy Soevndal tried to cash in on the trend by demanding stricter justice and higher sentences. His language came close to soundbites formerly heard from his arch enemy George W. Bush. More and more voices are suggesting that Muslim immigrants should be offered money for leaving the country side by side by demands that whole families of Muslim rapists and criminals be deported. Finally also the demographic threat by fast breeding unintegrated Muslim immigrants has become obvious to a number of main stream politicians and have become legitimate concerns among ever widening political circles. Mass Media Deception Scheme fails miserably It is important to remember that these developments are happening in spite of years and years of continuous, massive campaigns by the two major TV stations and most of the press, who at every opportunity try to diminish the gigantic problems caused by Muslim immigration, single out 'role models' [who invariably fail and are caught in criminal acts later] and leave microphones accessible to every left wing extremists, Muslim fundamentalist, and expert Islam apologetics who feels the need to address The same day the TV stations all day and all night left the microphones to the use and benefit of the left wing extremistswho were fighting the police around the Brorsons Church, letting the extremists use their channels as a message board for info on coming demonstrations, both of them broadcast Sources: Related: 8 to 10 shots were fired at police in the Odense suburb of Vollsmose after car chase
the Danish people. Every broadcast which exposes Muslim terror, swindle and other immigrant inconveniencies is immediately followed by clips about 'growing racism', anti-Semitism, dangers from extreme right terrorism in the US, etc.
undiluted lies and propaganda from the infamous SPLC, or Southern Poverty Law Center, a disgraced private American anti-white hate group comparable to the ADL [Danish Version here]. Now that's a coincidence! One station also showed a clip about Auschwitz the very same day! Ekstra Bladet August 16, 2009 - Lene Espersen: Militante muslimer truer de danske værdier (the Muslim threat against our society is more serious than the climate problems, says vice PM Lene Espersen [K])
Politiken August 15, 2009 - Konservative: Skoler skal undervise i danske værdier [Christian Hüttemeier](Konservative Party wants to force arab-Muslim schools to teach democracy and Danish values)
Balder Blog August 13, 2009 - Denmark: 4 Iraqis deported after mass rape of 14 year old girl
Politiken August 14, 2009 - Police targeted in Vollsmose - Odense
Politiken August 14, 2009 - Church Iraqis on hunger strike
Politiken 13 august 2009 - Irakere splitter Socialdemokratiets top - Nyrup, Lykketoft og Bjerregaard går imod formand Helle Thorning Schmidt i sag om udviste irakere
Balder Blog July 10, 2009 - Denmark: AK81 group saved elderly couple from attack by immigrant gang
Balder Blog September 14 2008 - Denmark: Street war between Hells Angels and immigrant gangs spreading
Print Post
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Posted af Balder 16 Aug 2009 under Dansk Politik , English , Indvandrervold , Indvandring , Medierne , Multikultur ,Racisme , Religion , Terrorisme | | Direkte link
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Britannia Radio