Sunday, August 02, 2009
North Korea Consumed by Purges and Paranoia
Click here. The criminally insane regime is purging its own, cracking down on anyone who even seems to be out of line, tightening its control over the starving, humiliated masses.
China Confidential analysts believe the North Korean military is capable of launching a war with South Korea--and the United States--in an attempt to prevent the system from collapsing.Are Israel's West Bank Settlements Illegal?
Jerold Auerbach's article asserting the legality of Israeli settlements west of the Jordan River, in the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria, is must reading. Click here to access the essay in the online edition of Midstream. The author's compelling conclusion:Ever since 1967, Jewish settlements have been widely and loudly—and erroneously—trumpeted as the major obstacle to Middle Eastern peace. They are convenient surrogates for the deep and enduring hostility to the very existence of a Jewish state. That hostility long antedated 1967 and, as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and President Ahmadinajad of Iran endlessly reiterate, it is likely to endure for as long as Israel exists within any boundaries. But neither in the court of world opinion, nor in the State of Israel, are settlement critics entitled to ignore the firm protection for Jewish settlements afforded by international legal guarantees extending back nearly a century, frequently affirmed ever since, and never rescinded.
China Confidential urges readers concerned with Israel's security to subscribe to Midstream, a consistently intelligent and interesting Jewish review, published quarterly by the Theodor Herzl Foundation. The magazine is more than a half-century old.
Darren Pinsker's analysis of U.S. President Obama's Cairo speech to "the Muslim world" is another must-read Midstream piece--available in the summer issue. Pinsker makes a convincing case that Americans who care about Israel are right to suspect that "Israel is being demoed to a lower rung on the ladder of U.S. interests, sacrificed to the goal of forging better relations with the Muslim world."Saturday, August 01, 2009
Another North Korean Hostage Crisis Developing
Stalinist/Kimist/criminal North Korea, which is holding two American reporters hostage, is now also holding a South Korean fishing boat. Click here.
Islamist Iran's atheist ally shares the turbaned tyranny's disdain for Washington, seeing the United States as a dying but still dangerous hegemon with the means but without the will to defeat the Axis of Nuclear and Missile Evil.
The Obama administration, which has made appeasement a religion, is inviting aggression against the U.S. and its allies across the globe. Not since the catastrophic Carter administration has a President this weak occupied the Oval Office.
Click here for a story about China complicating U.S. efforts to plan for a collapse of the North Korean regime (we should only be so lucky). Fact is, there are no diplomatic solutions to the North Korean and Iranian problems. Removing the regimes through coups or merciless blockades--or wars--are the only ways forward.Hezbollah Cleric: Muslim World Fed Up with Obama
So much for appeasement. It merely fans the flames of aggression.
A leading Islamist terrorist "spiritual leader"--a man responsible for the kidnapping, killing, and torturing of Americans and Europeans--says his the "Muslim world" is growing impatient with Barack Obama, seeing him as an extension of President Bush. Click here for the story.Hamas Leader Lists Conditions for Israeli Surrender
The terrorist leader ... Jimmy Carter's friend ... has outlined conditions for a peace-by-piece defeat and dismantling of Israel, including the "return" of millions of so-called Palestinian refugees to Israel, its total withdrawal to indefensible boundaries, and the establishment of a (Hamas-dominated) Palestinian state--a second Arab state in historic Palestine--with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Anti-Israel liberals and leftists will leap on the language with gusto.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
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Britannia Radio