Sunday, August 23, 2009
china confidential
Top US Military Officer: Afghanistan 'Deteriorating'
The Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs confirmed today that the situation in Afghanistan was "deteriorating." Read about it here.
China Confidential analysts have maintained for over a year that Afghanistan is at the brink of being overrun by the resurgent Taliban--an Islamist foe that should have been wiped out in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. The much anticipated troop escalation was not large enough to make a significant difference; and Taliban safe havens and sanctuaries in neighboring, lawless Pakistan practically make the group impossible to defeat.
Moreover, the Afghan government, which barely controls the capital, Kabul, is the most corrupt on earth; and ridiculous rules of engagement--CNN rules--guarantee the enemy eventual victory. Hence, the U.S. push to "engage" (appease and align with) so-called reconcilable elements of the Taliban--meaning, insurgents who are supposedly less ideologically motivated than the hard-core Islamists.
It is immoral to send soldiers in harm's way in such a situation. Eager to appease rising, radical Islam, still fantasizing about harnessing Islamist power without being consumed by it--a hoary strategy that dates to the Great Game of imperial rivalry--the United States is effectively handicapping its troops and putting the American people at risk of suffering another Afghan-harbored terrorist attack following the collapse of the present regime.
On that score, the top U.S. military officer also said today that Al Qaeda is capable of launching another large-scale attack. Click here for the story.Swedish Paper's Blood Libel Leads to Boycott
Sweden's revival of the oldest hate has led to calls for an international boycott of Swedish products. A China Confidential correspondent in Jerusalem makes the case.
The leading daily newspaper in Sweden published an article last week that claims the IDF kills Palestinians in order to harvest and sell their organs. The Swedish Government refuses to repudiate this latter day blood libel, claiming that it is protected by Swedish laws concerning freedom of speech.
Of course, no one is asking the Swedes to censor their media, merely to refute this odious attempt to stir up Jew hatred.
It is perfectly evident how the Swedish Government would have reacted had the article claimed Muslims commit murder to harvest body parts--if only to prevent an Al Qaeda bloodbath on Swedish soil.
This issue has nothing to do with your views regarding Israel and the Palestinians. It has to do with basic decency and truth. The idea that Jews are killing Arabs for body parts is beyond the pale.
Until such time as Sweden does the right thing, it is only appropriate that we boycott Swedish products.
You can do your share by committing to boycott the following:
Absolut Vodka
Volvo and Saab
SAS Airlines
There are plenty of other vodkas, cars, furniture brands and airlines to choose from.Culture Clash: Africans in China
Out of Africa, into China, traders and workers, seeking opportunity and employment--another tale of breakneck global melding and ethnic backlash and conflict. Click here.
The world is beginning to resemble a Blade Runner-like dystopia. This is the other side of globalization, the side that international investment bankers and liberal free-trade-at-all-cost advocates and apologists typically ignore.Iran Set to Approve Terrorist Defense Minister
The man is a wanted terrorist, a mass-murdering bomber. But he will soon be Iran's next defense (war) minister, a figure who could be "engaged" by the United States in face-to-face meetings. Click here for a report from Tehran.
Israel's defense minister says the pick proves the Iranian regime's true nature (as if there could still be any doubts about that). Click here for the story.Fires Reach Athens Suburbs; Thousands Flee
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Forest Fire Rages Out of Control Near Athens
Sunday, 23 August 2009
The fires are still out of control. Click here for the story.
Click here for the report. The huge fire northeast of Athens comes just two days after a major blaze in the capital's industrial zone.
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Britannia Radio