Dear Irish voters,
You are the only people in Europe who have a chance to vote in a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, the new version of the European 'constitution'.
In the Netherlands we were allowed to give our opinion
in 2005 in a referendum on the first version of the constitution. A great majority of Dutch voters said no.
We have not had any opportunity to give our opinion of this modified version of the constitution, the Treaty of Lisbon. So we were very glad that Irish voters rejected the treaty in a referendum last year.
Thanks to pressure from Europe's leaders, you are now being forced to go back to the voting booth to once more give your opinion of this same treaty. We hope that you won't let yourselves be intimidated by the pressure that's being put on you from the rest of Europe, that you won't be fooled by the false promises that are being made to you, and that you'll be as resolute this year as you were last year in voting against this undemocratic, militaristic, neoliberal Europe.
Like the Irish, the great majority of Europeans do not support this Europe. The recent elections for the European Parliament, in which only 36% of those eligible cast a vote, was a fresh demonstration of this fact.
But only you Irish voters have a chance - speaking not only in your own name but also in the name of other Europeans - to reject the Lisbon Treaty, thus opening the way to a different, democratic, anti-militaristic, social and ecological Europe.
We're counting on you. And you can count on our solidarity.
Comité Ander Europa
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Support the Irish NO!
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Britannia Radio