Thursday, August 13, 2009
china confidential
Envisioning Eurabia
Daniel Greenfield writes about the Muslim conquest of Europe:The Telegraph recently made headlines with a survey that suggested that a fifth of the European Union will be Muslim by 2050. This is if anything an understatement of the situation, since once you subtract Eastern European states and focus in on Western European countries such as England, France and Italy… or Sweden, Islam will comprise a sizable enough minority to be considered a state within a state. And even the most pessimistic statistics will grow gloomier if 75 million Turks inside the presently Islamist Turkey will become part of the European Union.
Meanwhile always eager to get ahead, Russia estimates that Islam will become its predominant religion by 2050. The Russians, both under the USSR and in the Putin era, have done everything they can to try and raise the birth rate, but remains at half that of Uzbekistan, or even war torn Chechnya. With the Russian population set to fall by almost 50 million, to 100 million in 2050, the Muslim birth rate will have made up the surplus. Having tried all the usual financial family incentives and even made an effort at luring back its former Jewish emigrants, Russia is now counting on its state run network of mosques, which can only preach Jihad at America, England and any non-Russian infidels, to maintain control. It is an absurd strategy, but no more so than Europe’s own.
Continue here.On Obamanation, Newspeak and Doublethink
Victor David Hanson's essay on Obama and 1984 is must reading. In George Orwell's allegorical novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four," the picture of "Big Brother" appears constantly in the adoring media.
Perceived enemies are everywhere — supposedly plotting to undo the benevolent egalitarianism of Big Brother. Citizens assemble each morning to scream hatred for two minutes at pictures of the supposed public traitor Emmanuel Goldstein. The "Ministry of Truth" swears that the former official Goldstein is responsible for everything that goes wrong in Oceania.
In Orwell's Oceania, there is a compliant media that offers "Newspeak" — recycled government bulletins from the Ministry of Truth. "Doublethink" means you can believe at the same time in two opposite beliefs.
America is not Oceania, but some of this is beginning to sound a little too familiar.
We see Barack Obama's smile broadcast 24/7, in a fashion we have not seen previously of earlier presidents. A Newsweek editor referred to Obama as a "god." MSNBC's Chris Matthews claimed physical ecstasy when Obama speaks. A Washington Post reporter swooned over Obama's "chiseled pectorals."
Continue here.IBD: World Losing Will to Defeat Islamist Terror
Terrorists have had lots to celebrate recently as court rulings from Bangkok to Madrid wiped out years of work to stop them and raised doubts about treating the war on terror as a law-enforcement action.
Continue here.China Hunting for Oil and Mining Bargains
Hungry for bargains, booming China may boost spending on oil and mining acquisitions by at least half this year, as reported here.A Victory for World Trade, US Media
Wednesday's World Trade Organization decision against Chinese media protectionism is good news for U.S. exporters, but even better news for Chinese consumers and industry. The case, involving U.S. entertainment and media exports, illustrates the benefits of a rules-based global trading system, particularly at a time of rising protectionism.
A WTO dispute resolution panel ruled against several of China's key regulations on the distribution of media such as films, music and DVDs, long the bane of Hollywood. Among the most onerous is the requirement that many products pass through state-controlled middlemen. This cuts into the companies' ability to profit from their work since the monopolist middlemen can command outsize fees. It also contributes to copyright infringement because pirates happily fill the void when legitimate content can't be widely distributed.
Continue reading here.Iran Cleric: Inmates Tortured to Death
Venezuela's Stalinist Transformation Proceeding
Pursuing his socialist (Stalinist) vision, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is regulating and reducing the private sector. Click here for the report.Another Islamic-Nazi Link Confirmed
Obama Reportedly Ready to Appoint Notoriously Anti-Israel, Self-Hating Jew as US Envoy to Syria
More change--for the worse--from the Obama administration, which is bent on appeasing and aligning with radical Islam.
Click here for the report from Israel.Somali Savages Rip Gold Teeth From Locals' Mouths
The pirate-backing, Islamist savages who beheaded the Christian orphanage workers are ripping gold and silver teeth from locals' mouths on the grounds that the teeth are an offense of some sort to (barbaric) Islamic law.
These are the same savages who recently stoned to death a 13-year-old rape victim--because she had sex.
The same savages who last October stoned to death a 23-year-old woman for adultery.
Where is the outrage?
Where are the so-called moderate Muslim leaders?
Why is America's first Muslim-born President (he was born a Muslim according to Islamic religious law, which traces religion through the father) silent about the atrocities committed by Muslim extremists on a daily basis?Israel: We Can Delay Iran Nukes
A senior Israeli official says Israel can delay Iran's nuclear program--set back its development of weapons. Click here for the story.
The important question is: at what cost? Iran has vowed to retaliate against the United States and Israel for any attack on Iran's nuclear sites.
More specifically, Tehran's turbaned tyranny has threatened to "burn Tel Aviv" and blow up Israel's own nuclear facilities. Given its formidable arsenal of ballistic missiles, presumed stockpiles of chemical and, possibly, biological weapons (obtained from Cuba), and the 40,000 Hezbollah rockets aimed at Israel that are controlled by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, it would seem that an assault on Iranian nuclear installations would have to include wiping out missile sites and ending the IRGC/Hezbollah threat.
In fact, a case could be made for first striking the missile sites, the IRGC and Hezbollah, just as Israel had to first destroy the Egyptian air force--on the ground--on June 5, 1967, in order to win its stunning victory over the combined Arab armies in only six days.Gold Gains, Dollar Drops
Supporters of Chavez Stooge Riot in Honduras
The ousted Honduran despot is orchestrating violence in his homeland.
Click here for the story.
China Confidential has learned that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is behind the riots. Chavez agents are actually paying protesters to tear up Tegucigalpa.
Friday, 14 August 2009
IBD comments on a weakening will to crush Islamist terrorism.
The Wall Street Journal comments on a victory for world trade:
An Iranian cleric and opposition member has accused the regime of torturing protesters to death. Click here for the story.
The precious metal's appeal is strong. Read all about it here.
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Britannia Radio