Thursday, August 20, 2009
china confidential
Comment: Afghan Elections Unlikely to Matter
China Confidential analysts say the presidential elections being held in Afghanistan are unlikely to make a difference in terms of the outcome of the war, which is basically lost. The government, which barely controls the capital, Kabul, is the most corrupt on earth. The drug trade accounts for about a third of Afghanistan's economy.DNA Can be Forged, Planted, Stolen
Venezuela to Buy Dozens of Russian Tanks
Russia is using arms sales to increase its influence in Latin America; and the region's leading anti-American demagogue is only too willing to cooperate with the Kremlin. Click here for the story.Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Was Arctic Sea Carrying Nuke Technology?
There is increasing speculation among intelligence experts that the Arctic Sea--the cargo ship with the Russian crew that mysteriously went missing--was carrying nuclear materials or equipment of some sort ... for delivery to Syria.
Russia denies this. It insists the ship was hijacked, as reported here.China May Subsidize Soybean Crushers
South Korea Scrubs Satellite Launch
China Confidential sources in Japan say the launch was canceled for political reasons. The South backed down in the face of North Korean anger over the event, which would have embarrassed the North at a time when the United States is trying to bring it back to nuclear talks.Baghdad Truck Bombs Kill at Least 75
Thursday, 20 August 2009
DNA can be forged and planted at crime scenes, Israeli scientists say, adding that they have developed a solution to the problem. Read all about it here.
China, the world's largest importer of soybeans, may offer Chinese processors of the oilseed crop subsidies to purchase domestic supplies. Click here for the story.
Read about it here.
Security is rapidly disintegrating. Click here for the report.
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Britannia Radio