Thursday, 27 August 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

china confidential


Sino Gold Endorses Takeover Bid by Canadian Firm

The China-focused company is ready to accept a $1.9 billion bid from Canada's Eldorado Gold, as reported here.


Taiwan Welcoming Dalai Lama

The visit could cause a crisis with Beijing. Click here for the news.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Inconvenient Truth: List of Women Killed, Gang-Raped, Kidnapped in Pakistan Province Highlights Horrors of Islamic Law, Ignored by Western Media

In the month of May 2009, in Sindh province, Pakistan, 40 women were killed under "honor killing," 20 women were gang raped, and 43 women were kidnapped. Click here for the entire, horrific report.


Saudis Crack Down on Concerts and Circuses

In Saudi Arabia, where women are forbidden to drive, the pro-Al Qaeda religious police are cracking down on summer concerts and circuses. Click here for the story.


10-Year-Old Saudi Girl 'Married' to 80-Year-Old

Child rape is OK according to barbaric Islamic religious law. Click here for the sickening story from Saudi Arabia, an oil-rich tyranny with no human rights.

Where is the outrage?


Muslim Maniacs Flog Women for Wearing Pants

While the Useful Idiots of the West wage war on the CIA for subjecting mass-murdering Islamist terrorists to harsh interrogation methods, Muslim-majority nations daily engage in all sorts of atrocities. Click here for a report from genocidal Sudan.


French President Ahead of Obama on Iran Nukes

Click here for the story--a dramatic development.

Sarkozy is leading the charge for tougher international action against nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran ... while the supposed leader of the free world is still bent on engaging (code for appeasing and aligning with) the Islamo-Nazi regime.


Islamists Slaughter Seven Russian Women

Read all about it here.

Europe is indifferent to the Islamist insurgency in Russia. Seven women were slaughtered in a sauna, and the atrocity barely rated a headline across appeasement-prone Europe.


No End to Muslim Extremism: Al Qaeda-Style Islamist Insanity Now Threatens Hitlerian Hamas

Click here for the story. A non-specialist in Islamist insanity needs a scorecard to follow the madness. 

Fact is, Islam peaked centuries ago. Except for oil, Muslim-majority countries produce nothing of real value to the rest of the world. Ideology and hatred are their main exports.


India, Pakistan Could Go to War Over Water

Both countries have nuclear arsenals. Click here for the frightening story about a looming struggle for water.


Energy Sprawl: Will American Wind and Solar Farms Become Tomorrow's Ghost Towns and Ghost Malls?

Will lands used to grow fuel instead of food contribute to the next dust bowl? Click herefor an in-depth report that is both disturbing and fascinating.

Incidentally, the modern wind turbine has a life span of only 15-25 years.