china confidential
Parents Want Child to Sail Solo Around the World

No wonder Europe is being overrun by Islamist terrorists and Muslim gangs. Europeans have lost their minds.
Click here for a story about two crazy Dutch parents who want their 13-year-old girl to sail solo around the world.
The parents should be in a jail or a mental institution.
Obama Throws Cold Water on US Recovery

Acting more like a one-termer, another catastrophic Carter, every day, U.S. President Barack Obama continues to badmouth the economy and depress markets. Click here for today's depressing statement.
Having failed to create new industries and new jobs, floundering and flip-flopping, the inexperienced, pseudo-progressive President (more comfortable dealing with Third World despots and extremists than with democratic allies and regular folks at home) appears to be engineering a failure in order to advance an agenda of maximum government interference and control without any real benefits to the overwhelming majority of ordinary Americans.
Filipino Islamist Terror Group Suffers Big Blow

The capture of a Filipino Islamist terrorist leader has apparently crippled his Al Qaeda-connected group. Click here for the report.
Notice AP's avoidance of the words Muslim or Islamist--or Al Qaeda--in the headline. It reflects an editorial policy that seeks to downplay the Islamic linkage to violence and extremism around the world, even though virtually all terrorism is nowadays caused by Muslim groups engaged in a global jihad. The supposedly politically correct policy began, ironically, with the Bush administration's absurd declaration of war on terrorism--a tactic, not an enemy--instead of on radical Islam, or Islamism, following the Al Qaeda attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001. Some news agencies--Reuters, for example--have gone so far in this regard as to practically ban "terrorist" in favor of the less sensational "militant."
The Filipino terrorist chief was arrested last Friday on a civilian tip. There was a combined $100,00 reward for his capture from the U.S. and Philippine governments.
Israel: UN Nuclear Weapons Watchdog Must Go

The IAEA chief has been derelict in his duty, lax towards Iran, israel says, as reported hereby AFP.
11 Dead in China Coal Mine Blast
Norway Honoring Memory of Nazi Author

Increasingly anti-Semitic Norway, which is steadily being overrun by Islamists and Muslim gangs, is celebrating the life of a leading, pro-Nazi Norwegian author. Click here for the story.