UK 'can't find' $13bn in military hardware: Auditors have been unable to find 6.6 billion pounds ($13 billion) worth of British military equipment including vehicles, weapons and radios used by troops, a report said Thursday. Britons bottom of list for economic faith in government and banks: Britons have less confidence in their government's ability to weather the slump than people in every other major industrial nation except Japan, according to a global poll. Texas bank hit by California dreaming: Guaranty Bank, an Austin-based savings institution with $13.5 billion in assets, is expected to be seized by the FDIC by the end of the week. According to multiple reports late Wednesday, Spanish bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya (BBV) has won the bidding for Guaranty. New jobless claims rise unexpectedly: The Labor Department says the number of first-time jobless claims rose to a seasonally adjusted 576,000 last week, from a revised figure of 561,000. Wall Street economists expected a drop to 550,000, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters. Chicago shuts down to save money: Public services in the US city of Chicago have been shut down for a day as the authorities face an expected budget shortfall of some $300m (£184m).
Friday, 21 August 2009
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Britannia Radio