Sunday, 23 August 2009

I have always had a vivid image of the Lockerbie disaster. In the late Eighties, I was travelling to the United States three or four times a year. I usually flew PanAm, and had flown on Flight 103 itself about a fortnight before that fateful night. 

Twenty-one years later, we still have too few verifiable facts, though many conjectures. We know that Flight 103 was brought down over Lockerbie, at the point when the aircraft would have reached its cruising altitude. 

We know that it was destroyed by a bomb in the luggage bay, but we do not know who planted the device, or where.

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We know that all the passengers and crew were killed and that there were 11 casualties on the ground. In all, 270 people died, 189 of whom were American. We know that Abdelbaset Al Megrahi was put under house arrest in Libya in 1991 and was tried ten years later by a Scottish court sitting in the Netherlands. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

We know Megrahi was a Libyan intelligence officer. The evidence against him was circumstantial and depended on the identification of Megrahi by a Maltese shopkeeper. Tony Gauci thought Megrahi was the man who had bought clothes from him that were later found wrapped around the bomb.

A single sighting on a normal business day is not regarded as strong evidence of identification. But, along with other circumstantial evidence, it convinced the court Megrahi was guilty.

He has now been released to return to Libya on compassionate grounds - he is suffering from terminal cancer. The Libyan government staged a rally to welcome him back to Tripoli.

Megrahi has protested his innocence throughout but he withdrew his latest appeal to the Scottish courts, apparently in order to facilitate his compassionate release. 

There is no provision in Scottish law that requires the withdrawal of all appeals before a compassionate plea can be considered. In fact his plea was accepted by the Scottish Justice Minister, Kenny MacAskill, on compassionate grounds.

From the beginning, there have been doubts about Megrahi's conviction. These have been widely expressed by those who attended the original trial, including UN observer Hans Kochler. He believes that the crime must have been committed by a number of people, of which only two were ever charged, and only one was convicted. Lockerbie could not have been organised by one man on his own.

In the debate that has followed the release of Megrahi, those who believe it was right to release him mostly also believe that he was, in fact, innocent of the bombing; most of those who regard his release as an outrage think that he is guilty and that he is a terrorist.

If the conviction was a miscarriage of justice, that should have been tested by the appeal Megrahi was allowed to cancel before his release. His decision to withdraw this appeal has left the matter in the air, perhaps for ever. That is, of course, convenient for those who do not wish the truth to emerge. In the event, we do not know enough to be sure either of his innocence or of his guilt.

There are other reasons for being suspicious of the decision to withdraw the appeal. The process has been part of wider negotiations between Britain and Libya, and between the United States and Libya. Our negotiators have included Tony Blair talking with the Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and other talks between Lord Mandelson and Gaddafi's son, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi. All of these participants are more interested in their negotiating purposes than in Lockerbie.

The appeal that was cancelled might have reached closer to the truth. Megrahi had made several appeals that were rejected. However, his campaign eventually led to a four-year investigation by the Scottish Criminal Case Review Commission, which concluded that there were doubts about Mr Gauci's evidence and that the case ought to be referred to the appeal court.

Why did Gaddafi attach such high importance to securing the release of Megrahi? On the assumption that Megrahi was guilty, he would have had potential information about his co-conspirators, Libyan or otherwise.

He might have been deterred from using that information by concern for the safety of his family, but if he had felt betrayed in the last months of his life he might have been a threat, or at least an embarrassment, to his Libyan masters.

In 1991, when Megrahi was put under house arrest in Libya, Gaddafi must have had reason for suspecting that he might be connected with the plot. Even today, if anyone knows who was responsible for Lockerbie it must be Gaddafi himself.

The families of American victims have been outraged by Megrahi's release, but their anger has carried little weight in what seems to be a carefully negotiated deal. The rapprochement between the West and Libya has been negotiated over the past two decades. It is in itself desirable, both in economic and political terms. Among American policies towards the Middle East, peace with Libya has proved much wiser than war with Iraq.

Americans should not, however, mislead themselves that the responsibility for these relations between the West and Libya has been led by the United Kingdom, let alone by Scotland. The leader of the West is the United States, because that is the country with the power. If the United States had wanted the full Lockerbie story to be exposed, it would have been.

The real interest of the West has been to remove Libya from the group of terrorist states and to improve access to its oil. The real interest of Libya has been to remove any sanctions against its trade with the West. The real interest of Britain is to join the oil exploration in Libya.

Megrahi's return to Libya was not determined by justice, or compassion, or even innocence, but by perceptions of their national interest by the countries involved, including the United States.

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