#115 - Dutroux witness X2: child abuse by Davignon & Lippens
Wikipedia - stealthily protecting the criminal elite. The pro-elitist
anti-truth capabilities of Wikipedia most elegantly exposed here in
article 3. Quotes here from the excellent, as ever, Project for the
Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI) now (somewhat annoyingly)
renamed as the Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert
Politics (ISGP).
see also
Beyond the Dutroux Affair
The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks
1. Bernhard's '1001 Club' membership lists
2. 'Black Prince' Junio Valerio Borghese
3. One single admin able to wipe ISGP from dozens of Wiki pages
4. Bilderberg Chairman child abuse allegations
1. Bernhard's '1001 Club' membership lists
A tribute: researcher who provided ISGP with 1001 Club membership
lists has died
1001 mentioned in new critical biography on Prince Bernhard; also made
the Dutch evening news
April 17, 2009
Back in late July 2008, right after publishing the Nebuleuse article,
I said to myself: "It's done! Can't freakin' believe it, but after so
many years there's nothing I really need to
Leaked confidential letter of Charles de Haes, honorary secretary to
Prince Bernhard and co-founder of the 1001. write about anymore.
Maybe I can actually start to have a normal life now." As happened
before, this lasted for a very short period. Within a few weeks I
received an email from the Irish journalist Kevin Dowling: if I was
still interested in having photocopies of the 1001 Club membership
lists and some other 1001 material... Well, of course I was! I was
dancing on the tables.
Off and on I had been trying to get hold of these lists for years, as
two of them were known to have leaked over the decades. Unfortunately,
the few researchers who may have been able to provide one or more
copies for some reason all backed
down on their initial promises to supply the lists. And although ISGP
still became the only site with any meaningful information on the
1001, the article never felt comfortable for the simple reason that it
was not based on at least a few original sources. This had now changed
overnight and within one weekend - without having really time for it -
I had written a whole new version of the 1001 Club article and made
all the photocopies provided by Kevin available for download. For the
first time ever since the founding of the 1001 in 1973-4, membership
lists had become available to the world!
I mailed Kevin about the rewrite. He was very pleased and made a
comment that some researchers definitely should remember:
"No need for thanks. You are very welcome. It bewilders me why
researchers should choose to hide what they discover rather than share
it with anyone else. ...
"I have a pretty full suite of documents concerning Bernhard's
membership of the Nazi party. I'll post them to you if you like."
I declined this last offer, as there really was no time to look at the
material and also because Bernhard's membership of the Nazi party is
well known and actually has a pretty good explanation behind it.
About six months went by without contact. Then on March 31, 2009, -
completely by accident - my eye caught a portion of a Netwerk
broadcast, which is a Dutch investigative
ISGP-compiled picture on the national news. Unfortunately, ISGP was
not mentioned. program part of the national evening news. There
was a discussion of a new book written by Gerard Aalders, en employee
of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation. The book, titled
De prins kan mij nog meer vertellen (roughly meaning, the Prince can
tell me even more stories), is a
very critical review of the life of Prince Bernhard. It was quite
clear that the makers of program, while giving both sides a say, did
not hold back either. Several of the scandals Bernhard had been
embroiled in were discussed, Bilderberg was mentioned, and maybe for
the first time ever on the news... the 1001 Club was mentioned!
Immediate thoughts that the information had largely come from ISGP
were supported when the picture above, part of ISGP's 1001 Club
article, was shown on tv. Of course there was no mentioning of ISGP,
the site which, among other things, can spell the end of Belgium.
Just today I picked up a copy of De prins kan mij nog meer vertellen.
ISGP has indeed been mentioned in the book. Unfortunately, the
information provided on the 1001 Club is still rather limited, but
enough to grab many people's attention and make them look at the
endnotes. Network did make one mistake though: it mentioned the mafia
boss Meyer Lansky as a member of the 1001. This is not true, although
Lansky did work with or for Mossad agent and 1001 Club member Tibor
Rosenbaum, a good friend of both Bernhard and Edmond de Rothschild
(another 1001 Club member). In many ways the Lansky-Rosenbaum
connection reminds one of the relationship between the sinister Felix
Przedborski and the Mossad and Israeli Foreign Office ISGP's Nebuleuse
article has been talking about.
Back to Kevin
I contacted Kevin after seeing the Netwerk documentary to inform him
that the information he had provided to ISGP had been picked up by the
Dutch evening news and had also found its way into a new biography on
the 1001 Club's former head, Prince Bernhard. Unfortunately it was not
Kevin who replied back to me, but his (very kind) wife: Kevin had died
unexpectedly on December 22 last year. Guess that's just another
reminder that most of the researchers I interact with are decades
older than me.
There's not much I know about Kevin, but I do know that he was one of
the most open
and jovial of the researchers I've interacted with. A brief summary of
what I know about him and his work has been written down in the 1001
Club article and is cited below:
"Britain too has tried to find ways to remain an influence in the
world, and some have argued over the years that British Intelligence
and the Foreign Office have tried to use the WWF (and 1001 Club) to
pursue some of the country's geopolitical interests. The most
important of these critics has been the Irish journalist Kevin
Dowling, who in 1990 produced the documentary 'Ten Pence in the
Panda', in which he documented the extreme ineffectiveness of the
WWF's efforts to defend species as the panda, the elephant, and the
black rhino. dsd
The 2009 book of Gerard Aalders
During the controversy in the weeks and months after the documentary,
Dowling produced more damning evidence against the WWF. It turned out
that the people living in the reserves were forced to live under
inhumane conditions (and could be shot on sight), that wealthy
customers could illegally hunt on rhinos and elephants, that leading
nature conservatives were involved in the illegal trade in ivory, and
that criminal special operations were launched from nature reserves to
sustain the apartheid system. [7]"
It's incredible to think that Kevin had these 1001 Club lists and
documents in his possession for maybe two or three decades, but that
only three months before he died he gave them to someone who was able
to spread them - directly and indirectly - to a much greater public
than before (ISGP, which also added it to Wikipedia; Aalders' book;
and about 500,000 people watched the Netwerk program). If Kevin had
not shared these lists, it may have taken God knows how much longer
before any really reliable information on the 1001 would have entered
the public domain. Remember, when ISGP attempted to write the first
article on the 1001 Club in 2005, it took considerable effort to even
find out whether the club still existed! (it did)
So, thanks for the work and your generosity, Kevin. Sorry I was not
able to read all the material and comment back on it. But as you
asked, some of the things you said years back to the Dutch alternative
press and have not yet been translated in ISGP's 1001 Club article
will be translated and posted up here. This cannot be done immediately
2. 'Black Prince' Junio Valerio Borghese
Italy's Black Prince: Terror War Against the Nation-State
by Allen Douglas
The Black Prince and the Sea Devils: The Story of Valerio Borghese and
the Elite Units of the Decima Mas
by Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani
Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2004 284 pages, hardcover, $27.50
The career of the Roman "Black Prince," Junio Valerio Borghese,
gruesomely illustrates how virtually all modern "international
terrorism" and all assassinations of heads of state and government
such as President John F. Kennedy, former Italian Prime Minister Aldo
Moro, or the numerous attempts on France's President Charles de
Gaulle, derive from the postwar Nazi International, sponsored by the
Anglo-American-led Synarchy and its intelligence services. To trace
all the ramifications of that career, is to open a door onto the
centuries-old highest level of the financial oligarchy—the Synarchy:
the aristocratic families of the "black nobility," the Sovereign
Military Order of the Knights of Malta, and the heirs of what Pope
John Paul I called the "ancients" of Venice.
The fascist Borghese founded Mussolini's elite naval warfare squadron,
which he turned into a savage irregular warfare unit in northern Italy
by the end of World War II. Picked up by Allen Dulles, James Jesus
Angleton, and other anti-Franklin Delano Roosevelt operatives of the
U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Borghese and his men would be
involved in every major postwar coup attempt or terrorist outbreak in
Italy until 1970, when he fled to Spain after the failed coup attempt
most closely associated with his name. From Italy, and then while in
Spain, he maintained connections all over Europe and with the bloody
Operation Condor torture-and-murder syndicate in Ibero-America. An
examination of Borghese's career enables one to peer beneath the
surface of terrorism and spectacular assassinations, into the
netherworld whence these actions are launched: where international
high finance; ancient aristocratic families; pro-fascist elements of
the Curia of the Catholic Church; leading fascists of the Hitler-
Mussolini era; and the Anglo-American intelligence services, in
particular those of NATO, are all unified in a war against the modern
The British and U.S. intelligence services' files on Borghese are
still classified, as are the Borghese family archives in the Vatican
after 1922, when Mussolini seized power. The present book is the first
biography of Borghese in English. When correlated with other recent
exposés of Gladio, the post-World War II NATO "stay-behind" network in
Europe, and when all are situated within the work of Lyndon LaRouche
and his associates on the Synarchy, it is a notable contribution to
unmasking international terrorism, though the book's authors are
perhaps not always aware of the full implications of what they present.
Borghese belonged to a principal family of Rome's ostensibly Catholic
"black nobility," many members of which claim descent from the elite
of the Roman Empire. Numerous Popes and cardinals came from the
Borghese and allied families, such as the Pallavicini, the Colonna,
and the Orsini; these families maintained enormous power into the 20th
Century, and still today, in the Curia, the administration of the
Vatican. Their faction within the Church helped construct the infamous
"rat-line"—run, in part, through monasteries and convents—which
spirited thousands of Fascists and Nazis out of Europe after the war,
into Ibero-America, Asia, and the Middle East.
Whether the Borgheses indeed originated with the Roman Empire, as they
claim, or only rose in the early 16th Century, as records suggest,
they could boast of one Pope, Paul V (Camillo Borghese, reigned
1605-21), and several cardinals, while a Borghese prince married
Napoleon's sister. They lost their fortune in the 19th Century, and
thus the 20th Century saw Junio Valerio Borghese going to
This article appears in the February 4, 2005 issue of Executive
Intelligence Review.
3. One single admin able to wipe ISGP from dozens of Wiki pages
ISGP's problem with Wikipedia
One single admin able to wipe ISGP from dozens of Wiki pages
July 1, 2009
You know, I think Wikipedia is a really great concept. Anyone can
contribute information to articles, while a relatively small number of
administrators see to it that the information remains objective and
verifiable. Despite criticism that "anyone can write anything", in
reality the vast majority of Wikipedia articles are well sourced and
very reliable.
However, as usual, problems arise when it comes to controversial
information. Many people cannot deal with this and without even
thinking they just discard it. That's too bad, but not much can be
done about it. What is worrying, however, is that some Wikipedia
editors posses similar character traits. And occasionally, like in
this case, they seem to go berserk.
An unwelcome surprise
Today I had actually planned to write a little piece to ask people who
take information from this site if they can double-check what I've
written before writing down anything themselves. I've noticed that
persons discussing my work half of the time cannot get the facts
straight. The latest example is the following addition to Etienne
Davignon's biography on Wikipedia:
"Around 1996, Regina Louf (X1 witness) accused Davignon of being
involved in a child abuse network. She testified having seen him
abusing children in a hotel in Knokke. Her testimony was discredited
based on her psychological state."
It was not Regina Louf (X1) who made the claim to have seen Davignon.
It was X2 who had stated this. So when making serious entries like
these, please read before you write anything down. You become very
easy to discredit when making mistakes like this. I really recommend
that with every sentence you write down, you go back to source and
check my exact wording. You'll be amazed how often you remembered
something wrong.
Anyway, soon after seeing this new addition to Davignon's biography, I
noticed that the link to ISGP had been deleted. More amazing, it
turned out that every reference to ISGP anywhere on Wikipedia had been
deleted around the same time. At first I thought this was the result
of the careless mistake in Davignon's biography. However, it turns out
that this was not the cause.
The cause turns out to be a Wikipedia admin nicknamed Will Beback. On
June 29, at 20:41 (GMT), Beback apparently came across ISGP while
editing Wikipedia's WWF page. This person, whose apparent internet
information can be found below, decided to take a look at ISGP for
less than five minutes. In response he decided it was his right to
delete all references on Wikipedia to ISGP without spending one more
second of fact checking.
Host name adsl-69-104-219-235.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net
Location Los Angeles, California
29th June 2009 23:41:43 No referring link
29th June 2009 23:42:52 www.isgp.eu/index.html
29th June 2009 23:45:30 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Club
29th June 2009 23:49:43 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Club
Total visit time 8 minutes and 0 seconds
Beback's incompetence
For a veteran Wikipedia admin, Beback doesn't seem to be a
particularly bright light. Amazingly, he left the incorrect paragraph
in Davignon's bio untouched. As of this writing, it's still there.
Beback only deleted the source, which, ironically, would have shown
that there's a serious mistake on Wikipedia.
Another interesting point is Wikipedia's 1001 Club article, in which
the apparently nefarious influence of ISGP was first neutralized. This
is the paragraph Beback deleted (except for the first sentence):
"The membership of the 1001 Club largely consists of managers of banks
and multinationals from around the world. Examples from past and
present include Sir Eric Drake of British Petroleum, Sir Val Duncan of
Rio Tinto, Harry Frederick Oppenheimer and Sidney Spiro of Anglo-
American Corporation, the British and French Rothschilds, Michel David-
Weill of Lazard, Laurance and David Rockefeller, Henry Ford II, Baron
Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, Edmond Safra, Peter von Siemens, and
Berthold Beitz of Krupp. Among the more remarkable members have been
Salem bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's older half-brother; Mobutu Sese
Seko, the dictator of Zaire; BCCI founder and president Agha Hasan
Abedi; Juan Carlos I King of Spain; early Zionist operatives as Louis
Bloomfield and Tibor Rosenbaum; and the controversial businessman
Nelson Bunker Hunt."
Beback deleted all the names, providing us with the following
explanation: "trim unsourced list that includes living people". Excuse
me, unsourced!? Oh, wait, of course this list is unsourced, as several
minutes earlier Beback himself had deleted the links to photocopies of
the membership list in which all these names could be found! The ISGP
log shows Beback has been on the page where these photocopies could be
found. Unless he's a hyperactive 12-year-old, it's incomprehensible to
me how he could have missed this.
As you can see at the bottom of this article, over the next hour
Beback deleted all entries of ISGP on Wikipedia - from the Bohemian
Grove, the Pilgrims Society, and Le Cercle to about a dozen individual
biographies. As we can see from ISGP's statistics, the Wiki admin did
not once bother to check any other link. He just indiscriminately
deleted everything that had to do with ISGP.
Even very important and detailed criticism on the Disclosure Project
was deleted (Steven Greer must be so happy), while in the Pilgrims
Society article Charles Savoie was allowed to remain. This is another
clear indication that Beback only paid attention to his delete button
and not at all to the subject at hand, nor the quality of the sources.
You wonder if this is the kind of admin Wikipedia needs...
Sometimes Wikipedia is ISGP
It's ironic that Wikipedia pages as the Pilgrims Society, the 1001
Club and Le Cercle are almost entirely based on the work of ISGP. As
I've already explained in the FAQ:
"When PEHI/ISGP first wrote about the Cercle, the 1001 Club, and the
Pilgrims, entries on Wikipedia about these societies did not exist. In
each case they were added shortly after the PEHI/ISGP articles had
been uploaded. Virtually no other information existed on these groups
at the time. Wikipedia's Sun Valley/Allen & Co. entry took years
before it was created. Wikipedia's JASON Group article did exist, but
was far from complete. At least half of the members were taken from
ISGP. Details about the Bohemian Grove camps and the visitors also
came from ISGP. Although membership lists have leaked in recent years,
back in 2005/2006 none were in the public domain and names were
scattered all over the place. ISGP has been responsible for other
information on Wikipedia, mainly relating to the Dutroux affair and
snuff films. In many cases this information was removed for no good
reason - sometimes after six months of continuous visits and no
Indeed, although ISGP was listed on about 30 different Wikipedia
pages, it has been deleted from at least a dozen more. The JASON Group
is one of them, but especially not done has been the addition of
information from Beyond Dutroux or even Le Cercle to individual
biographies on Wikipedia. Sometimes the information itself stuck - as
the fact that Antoine Pinay was involved in setting up the Pinay
Cercle - but the source of the information - ISGP - was deleted. In
other cases entire paragraphs were undone and in at least one case a
group of Belgian lawyers began to intimidate Wikipedia France after
one of its admins expanded on the darker aspects of the life of Paul
Vanden Boeynants. These legal threats were not unique, by the way, nor
other forms of apparent intimation - but that's a whole other
The point being
The point here is that a single Wikipedia admin named Will Beback has
decided that the world has no need for the information on ISGP, even
though dozens have been responsible for adding this information and
even though thousands have seen these links but never felt the need to
delete them. And the most astonishing thing is that this person never
even bothered to check up on any of the material presented. He left
mistakes and deleted undeniable and very unique sources. If his
actions are not reversed, many thousands less will come across this
site over the years, as Wikipedia has considerably increased overall
visits to this site both directly (links) and indirectly (Google page
Things go the way go and I guess Will Beback is just one of the many
reflections of our imperfect society. It would be nice if you all
could try to reverse his actions, but if not, so be it.
Will Beback's anti-ISGP rampage (GMT):
* 22:41, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Bohemian Grove (rm self-
published website) (top)
* 22:40, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) St. Elmo (secret society)
(rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:40, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle (rm self-published
website and assertions) (top)
* 22:39, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle (rm material based
on self-published website)
* 22:38, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) m George Kennedy Young (fix)
* 22:37, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) User:Will Beback/Weblinks
(+) (top)
* 22:37, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Allen & Company Sun Valley
Conference (→External links: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:36, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) William J. Casey (→Director
of Central Intelligence: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:36, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Association for Cultural
Freedom (→Involvement of the CIA: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:35, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) George Kennedy Young (rm
self-published website)
* 22:34, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Frederic Bennett (→Other
interests: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:32, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Peter Hain (→Anti-apartheid:
rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:32, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Conservative Monday Club (rm
self-published website) (top)
* 22:30, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Geoffrey Stewart-Smith
(→Publications: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:29, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) User talk:Chendy (→Reliable
sources and links: new section) (top)
* 22:21, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) User talk:
(third warning) (top)
* 22:17, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Pilgrims Society (→External
links: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:15, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Friedrich Hayek (rm self-
published website) (top)
* 22:15, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Jon Snow (→Memorable
incidents: rm self-published website) (top)
* 22:13, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) James A. Farrell Jr. (rm
self-published website) (top)
* 22:13, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) St. Elmo (secret society)
(→Membership: rm self-published website)
* 22:09, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Jonathan Aitken (→Libel
action: self-published website) (top)
* 22:08, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (rm
material sourced to self-published website) (top)
* 22:07, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle (→External links:
rm self-published website)
* 22:07, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Le Cercle (→History: rm self-
published website)
* 22:06, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) The Disclosure Project
(→Criticism: rm section sourced entirely to a self-published website)
* 22:04, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Maurice Lippens (businessman)
(→Child Abuse Network: rm material sourced to self-published
* 22:04, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Étienne Davignon (rm self-
publsihed website) (top)
* 22:03, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Marc Dutroux (→Alternative
views: rm material from self-published wesbite) (top)
* 22:02, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Bohemian Grove (→External
links: rm self-published site)
* 22:01, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club (trim unsourced
list that includes living people) (top)
* 21:58, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Talk:Views of Lyndon LaRouche
(→Misrepresentation in Gays and Aids section: please be specific)
* 21:52, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) Great Oil Sniffer Hoax
(→Bibliography: rm link to self-published website) (top)
* 21:50, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club (rm self-publsihed
site, add cite req)
* 21:49, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club (improve ref,
* 21:46, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club (→External links:
rm self-published site)
* 21:45, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) 1001 Club (→Alternative
views: rm link to self-published site)
* 21:40, 29 June 2009 (hist) (diff) World Wide Fund for Nature
(→Cambodia controversy: wl, refs, trim "controversy") (top)
Apparently Beback is keeping check on any reversals regarding ISGP:
* 08:55, 1 July 2009 (hist) (diff) Maurice Lippens (businessman)
(undo - extraordinary clai, requires highly reliable source, www.isgp.eu
doesn't qualify) (top)
He doesn't seem to realize that ISGP is not "the source". The sources
are the photocopies of the official gendarmerie reports, which happen
to be permanently posted on ISGP. And of course you won't find these
documents in any newpaper or on any government-related site. Does that
mean that no one has ever testified against Maurice Lippens?
Apparently it does in Beback's mind.
4. Bilderberg Chairman child abuse allegations
Viscount Etienne Davignon
b. 1932
Source(s): X2 (Present at parties with underage girls in villas in
Knokke, including the one of his good friend Leopold Lippens, and
Hotel Cromwell; The following text could well be a reference to
Davignon, as he seems to be the only European Commissioner accused in
the X-Files: December 29, 1996, Sunday Times: "In a separate twist, a
Belgian newspaper claimed yesterday that a former European
commissioner was among a group of judges, senior politicians, lawyers
and policemen who attended orgies held in a Belgian chateau and
organized by Michel Nihoul, one of Dutroux's alleged accomplices. La
Derniere Heure, which claimed to have a guest list, did not name the
commissioner but said he "came with a girl, Josette, nicknamed Jojo,
the Bomb".")
Great great grandson of one of the revolutionaries which succeeded in
separating Belgium from Holland in 1830 and to make it a Catholic
state again. Grandson of Julien Davignon, an influential Belgian
minister of Foreign Affairs. Etienne Davignon was born in Hungary in
1932. His family has intermarried with some of the more powerful
Belgian blue blood families like the Janssens, Boëls, and Solvays.
Studied law at Facultés Saint-Louis in Brussels and the Université
Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Completed his education with studies in
Philosophy and Economy. Scholar of the Benedictine monks of Maredsous
(at SG, he found out that three others were Benedictines: Maurice
Lippens, Claude de Villenfagne van AnHyp, and Guy Ullens de Schooten).
In 1959, Davignon joined the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as
attache for the department of African Affairs. Became head of the
cabinet of Paul-Henri Spaak in 1964 (as a follow up of Baron Robert
Rothschild, and, together with Etienne Davignon, a governor of the
Atlantic Institute in 1987), a position he held in 1965 when Pierre
Harmel became prime-minister. During his career at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, he was directly involved with Belgium's policies in
Africa, the independence of Rwanda and Burundi and the solution to the
Belgium and Zaire conflict. He was also a key figure behind the report
on the future of the Atlantic Alliance (Harmel report) and he presided
over the committee which prepared the first proposals regarding
political cooperation between EEC members (Davignon Report,
1974-1975). Following the oil crisis in 1973, Davignon chaired the
international conference that established an oil-sharing treaty. First
president of the International Energy Agency 1974-1977. Worked as vice-
president for the European Commission from 1977 to 1985, where he was
in charge of industry, research and energy. He was active in the
restructuring of European industry (steel, textiles, synthetic fibres)
and in promoting new research cooperative ventures in information
technology and telecommunications. In 1982, as Industry Commissioner,
Davignon challenged Pehr Gyllenhammar (Volvo, Chase Manhattan,
Kissinger Associates, Aspen Institute; later on managing director of
Lazard, vice chairman of Rothschild Europe, and chairman of Rothschild
Pension Funds) to organize a group of top European businessmen to
lobby the European Commission. The Gyllenhammar group was to become
the highly influential European Round Table of Industrialists or ERT,
drawing up policy for Europe. Together with his Solvay business
partner, Baron Daniel Janssen, Davignon was a long time member of the
ERT. At the ERT Etienne chaired the working group on Trade and
Investment. In 1985, he left the European Commission and joined
Société Générale de Belgique. After the French Suez Group took over
SGB in 1988, Etienne Davignon became its chairman and remained that
until 2001. In March 1988 Gerald Bull, the famous gun builder,
received a contract from the Iraqis to build 3 superguns, one of them
a smaller prototype. The 2 full-size superguns were 150 meters / 450
feet long with a bore of one meter / three feet and, if finished,
would have been capable of placing a 2000 kg / 4500 lb rocket
propelled projectile into orbit (its purpose). Project Babylon, as it
was called, was said to be financed by Société Générale. Bull had
earlier built hundreds of revolutionary artillery pieces for the
Iraqis and had upgraded their Scud missiles. He was assassinated in
Brussels on March 22, 1990. It has been claimed that the former
Belgian deputy prime minister Andre Cools, who was assassinated on
July 18, 1991, was almost done investigating the Bull murder and
wanted to lay bare an international criminal syndicate. Among the
persons that supposedly were about to be indicted were Dick Cheney,
Neil Bush, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Jonathan Aitken (head of
Le Cercle; member Privy Council), Count Hervé de Carmoy, and the
Barbours, Racicots, and Bronfmans. At the time these people were
assassinated, a scandal surfaced in Italy and the United States: $4
billion of unauthorized loans to Iraq were exposed, made by the
Atlanta branch of the Italian Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. BNL had
attracted the secretive Kissinger Associates as a business advisor, a
firm Davignon, at some point, became a director of (identified as a
director in April 2002, CSR Europe Magazine). Henry Kissinger, a close
friend of Davignon, also sat on the advisory board of BNL. Davignon
joined the board of Minorco in 1990 and retired from it in 2002, 3
years after this company had merged with Anglo-American Corporation
(AGM). At that moment he stepped down to vice-chairman. Co-founder of
the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe and president from
1991 to 2002. In 2002, after it had fulfilled its purpose of
establishing the European Monetary Union (EMU), the group was
dissolved just as quietly as it had been erected. Davignon is chairman
of the Paul-Henri Spaak Foundation, chairman of the Royal Institute
for International Relations (Belgian version of RIIA), and chairman of
CSR Europe (European business network). Etienne Davignon is a founder
of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and was chairman of
the EU-Japan Business Dialogue 1995-2005. The follow-up of Davignon,
Baron Georges Jacobs, at the time, was chairman of UCB SA (owned by
the Janssens) and Delhaize SA. Davignon is a president of Friends of
Europe and a director of The European Institute (since about 1995).
Honorary chairman of Bilderberg since 1999, after Lord Carrington
resigned. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the
Trilateral Commission. Etienne Davignon sits on the Board of Advisors
of 'Dialogues: Islamic World - U.S. - The West', together with Frank
Wisner (Le Cercle) and Prince El Hassan bin Talal (head Club of Rome).
The Dialogues, which are located in New York, are sponsored by the
Carnegie Corporation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Etienne Davignon
is chairman of the Board of the Institut Catholique des Hautes Etudes
Commerciales in Brussels. He is a vice-chairman of Suez-Tractebel and
Société Générale de Belgique (owned by Suez). He is a director of the
Suez Group, which owns both companies. Davignon holds 10,000 shares in
the Suez Group, while all other directors, including its chairman, own
between 2,000 (almost all) and 5,500 shares (only one). The Suez Group
itself is ultimately owned by the Belgian Frère (controls the
Charleroi Group, a name probably not so popular anymore these days)
and the Canadian Desmarais (Privy Council) families. In 2002,
Tractebel was accused of business dealings with the billionaire
(mafia) oligarchs in Kazakhstan, and their ally, Kazakh President
Nursultan Nazarbayev. Among these Oligarchs were Patokh Chodiev and
Alijan Ibragimov, both closely connected to their London business
partners. Davignon is a vice-chairman of Fortis (Dutch-Belgian
governed banking group). Appointed chairman of Fortis' newly-
established International Advisory Council in 2001, together with
Baron Paul Janssen (dr. and chair of Janssen Pharmaceutica; member
Vatican Scientific Acadamy) and Guy de Selliers de Moranville (Solvay
director). Maurice Lippens would attended the meetings of the IAC.
Davignon was president of Union Miniere Belgique and vice-president of
Petrofina, Arbed, Salem, Sidmar, Foamex, Gilead (USA), and Pechiney.
Davignon was, or is, a member of the Board of the Générale de Banque,
Maritime Belge, Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, Recticel, Sibeka, SN
Airholding, Palais des Beaux-Arts (Belgium), Accor SA, Sofina (owned
by the Boël family and chaired by Yves Boël), BASF, ICL, Solvay SA,
Kissinger Associates (he's a friend of Henry and they have attended
soccer/football matches together), and several SGB group companies.
Etienne Davignon is a member of Belgium's most exclusive private club,
Cercle de Lorraine - Club of Lotharingen. He is also a member of
Cercle Gaulois, another elite Belgian club, and the Royal Sporting
Club of Anderlecht. Listed as a governor of the Ditchley Foundation in
2000. Used to be a director of the Royal Club of Historic Cities and
Gardens in Belgium (Koninklijke Vereniging der Historische Woonsteden
en Tuinen van België), together with Baron Albert Frère, the Marquess
de Trazegnies, Prince Alexander de Merode (former chair), Prince
Lorenz (honorary chair), Count Ghislain d'Ursel and Count Emmanuel de
Lichtervelde. Together with the Marquess de Trazegnies and the mayor
of Venice, the Davignon is a patron of Veneziaviva, a foundation which
is focused on preserving, restoring and enhancing the value of
Venice's heritage. In 1999, Davignon was a main founder of Friends of
Europe, a private lobbying organization for the European Union. Baron
Daniel Janssen helped him to establish it and the institute's
headquarters are located in the historic Bibliothèque Solvay, right
outside the European Parliament in Brussels. Together with his
business partner Count Maurice Lippens, Viscount Etienne Davignon was
involved in setting up SN Brussels Airlines, the follow up of Sabena,
which went bankrupt in 2001. Davignon also played a role in the
Lernout & Hauspie scandal, which centered around a company that made
by far the best voice recognition / language translation software on
the market (although it wasn't perfect). According to one of the
founders of the company, Jo Lernout, it went wrong in 1999/2000 when
L&H started to buy up US companies who were working for the CIA and
the Pentagon, especially because the L&H software worked almost the
same as the NSA's Echelon spy system. The Wall Street Journal accused
L&H of fraudulent book keeping in August 2000 and the 2 founders, Jo
Lernout and Pol Hauspie, were arrested in April 2001. According to
Business Wire, Davignon became a director of Lernout & Hauspie in May
2001. Within 3 weeks, in early June, he already resigned because
Fortis, the bank he is a vice-chairman of, is the largest creditor of
L&H. Jo Lernout and Pol Hauspie were released in early July of 2001
and L&H went broke in October 2001, its technology sold to the US for
a fraction of its actual worth. Jo Lernout later claims that board
members must have been pressured by the US intelligence agencies to
destroy the company, because of all the incomprehensible mistakes they
made. In 2003, the European Policy Centre, in cooperation with Notre
Europe, released the papers 'Towards a Constitution for European
Citizens', 'Building a Larger Europe', and 'Beyond Enlargement'. These
papers were first discussed in closed debate at Société Générale de
Belgique with Etienne Davignon and Jacques Delors (modern day
successor to Jean Monnet; chair Notre Europe since 1996) chairing the
first meeting, while both were key speakers at the second. Davignon
works with Delors at PlaNet Finance, an institution which also counts
the involvement of Pehr Gyllenhammar (Chase; Lazard; Rothschild),
Michel David-Weill (owns Lazard), Felix Rohatyn (Lazard), Hervé de
Carmoy (Almatis), Shimon Peres (Israeli prime minister; Gorbachev's
Green Cross), and Michel Rocard (French prime minister; Bohemian Grove
camp Mandalay). Delors, Davignon, Rocard, and members of the Green
Cross, together with Gerald Mestrallet (Suez board with Davignon), sit
on the membership board of Forum for a Responsible Globalization.
Delors and Davignon also know each other from their involvement with
The European Insitute; Delors was the main founder while Davignon has
been a board member. Davignon was named 'European of the Year' in 2003
by European Voice, an Economist Group publication focusing on European
affairs. In 2004, Davignon was one the witnesses of the declaration of
birth of the Belgian princess Louise.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield?
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony
the Google Groups "PEPIS" group. Please feel free to forward it to anyone who might be interested particularly your political representatives, journalists and spiritual leaders/dudes.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio