As the Times notes, Beck's audience is swelling. The Color of Change boycott is not only insignificant, it's helping Beck's viewership and thus helping him spread his extremely important message.
Thanks, Color of Change! And thanks, Van Jones!
First segment of the show.
Beck goes over all that he has covered so far this week and in the recent past as he exposes the truth about the Barack Obama administration and its allies.
Beck also goes over his 3 personal mottos: Question boldy; hold to the truth; and speak without fear.
Finally, Beck says that the White House has called in during his show this week (hmm, wonder if they're in cahoots with Color of Change trying to get Beck's show boycotted by advertisers? Nahh...) and challenged all of two facts that are essentially meaningless.
Yep, Beck's gotten basically everything correct and the Obama administration can't handle the truth being told.
Watch and learn, patriots. Thank goodness for Beck!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
(8.26.09) -- Welcome to the LA Times' readers and we give out thanks to the Times for using our video of Beck:
Category: News & Politics
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Britannia Radio