as per guido fawkes......
Hesford Hurls Grenade at Gordon Live on Five
Rumour going around that the first Gordon knew about this resignation was live on BBC Radio Five:
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
23 September 2009
Dear Gordon Brown
It is with considerable personal regret that I find myself writing to inform you of my decision to resign my positions as PPS to several ministers, principally the Solicitor General.
My decision comes about because as an aide to the Law Officers, whilst I have great personal regard for the Attorney General, I cannot support the decision which allows her to remain in office.
In my view the facts of the case do not matter. It is the principle which counts, particularly at a time when the publics’ trust of Whitehall is uncertain to say the least.
We have to be seen to be accountable.
In addition, could I just mention matters of policy where I believe leadership is vital.
On the constitution: We must legislate to offer a referendum on how we elect Members of the House of Commons. We must finish off reform of the House of Lords. Generally, I would urge you to move as quickly as possible to withdraw from Afghanistan and to signal a change in our position over Trident replacement.
Finally, on the economy, the Government is to be congratulated upon its clear-sighted and effective response to the downturn. You have my continued support in your resistance to David Cameron’s myopic and siren calls for an “Age of Austerity”. My constituents benefit greatly from using our much-improved public services and they would not wish to see these jeopardised nor have our continued economic recovery put in doubt.With best wishes
Yours sincerely
Stephen Hesford MP