Friday, 18 September 2009
As so often Humpty Dumpty is spot on!
This sheds new light on the seminal ruling of the German Constitutional Court which carries a warning and an opportunity. The warning is that German alone has - without demur from any of its partners - placed the German Constitution above EU law. EU law, endorsed by the politicised European Court, says exactly the opposite. That puts Germany above the law!
However, it provides an opportunity for each of the other 26 countries to declare the same status. In the case of Britain this can be by the simple law proposed by Bill Cash declaring that very fact and establishing a procedure to make it operative. The EU can hardly object if they agree to Germany’s ruling.
Germans reel at prospect of 'submission to alien powers'
Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall we can at last welcome the emergence of a healthy German nationalism that will help curb the European Union's overweening ambitions.
By Andrew Gimson
The EU's march towards statehood has been halted in Karlsruhe, where Germany's highest court has produced an unyielding defence of national sovereignty.
Until taking the extreme step of reading the German Constitutional Court's verdict on the Lisbon Treaty, I had no idea how firm a stand the judges have made. They bluntly declare that the EU is "an association of sovereign national states" that derives its democratic legitimacy from the member states and not from the European Parliament.
In a tone of barely suppressed fury, the court enumerates the encroachments Europe has made on national judicial systems and rules that this process must go no further. According to these judges, Germany's Basic Law, or constitution, promotes peaceful co-operation within the EU and the United Nations, but this is not "tantamount to submission to alien powers".
On the contrary: the Basic Law denies the German government the power "to abandon the right to self-determination of the German people", which they exercise by voting for their own parliament, which in turn must not be denuded of powers because otherwise German democracy would become meaningless.
The German judges add that measures of European integration "must, in principle, be revocable", and declare that they themselves have the right to safeguard "the inviolable core content" of the German constitution: a process that "can result in Community law or Union law being declared inapplicable in Germany". It is an extraordinarily high-handed and intransigent judgment.
But when a British Euro-sceptic writes about Germany, he or she has to be careful not to see only those parts of the picture that lighten the heart. This formidable judgment has not actually prevented the German government from endorsing the Lisbon Treaty: the court merely insisted, as a condition of ratification, that certain measures be taken to strengthen the position of the German parliament.
Jan Techau, a brilliant young analyst at the German Council on Foreign Relations, questions whether the court will ever follow words with deeds: "The court has always barked but it has never bitten." Mr Techau points out that "Germany has traditionally been very integrationist" and believes that "the German people are not generally Euro-sceptic".
It is certainly true that the Germans wish to live in peace with their neighbours, and can see that the EU helps them to do this. Germany is so much stronger than any of the dozen or so countries that surround it, and inflicted such horrors in the period up to 1945, that it needs a system of European co-operation in order to reassure the rest of us that it no longer poses a threat.
The German political class sought to rehabilitate their country by becoming ardently pro-European: a position that made the burden of German history slightly easier to bear, and which, in 1989-90, facilitated peaceful German reunification. François Mitterrand may have warned Margaret Thatcher that the re-united Germany could "make even more ground than had Hitler", but it was difficult for anyone who knew the post-war Germans to take that sort of thing seriously.
The Constitutional Court stresses, incidentally, that the Basic Law "breaks with all forms of political Machiavellianism and with a rigid concept of sovereignty which until the beginning of the 20th century regarded the right to wage a war – even a war of aggression – as a right that is due to a sovereign state as a matter of course". The modern German understanding of sovereignty is anything but bellicose.
But the court's verdict has still induced something like apoplexy in the surviving members of the West German political class that committed itself to European integration. Prof Michael Stürmer condemned the judgment as "this absolutely irresponsible decision" and lamented the emergence of "a new generation without a sense of history, without that great project of Europe – it's bizarre and it's sad".
A note of pained incredulity entered Prof Stürmer's voice as he contemplated the madness of asking judges to rule on a question of foreign policy of which they have no comprehension. "They are being asked to sit in judgment on matters of raison d'état."
According to Prof Stürmer, who from 1981 was an adviser to Helmut Kohl on European policy, the judgment means that for the next 10 or 20 years, no German government "can really move forward on Europe": there cannot be a successor treaty to Lisbon. He reproaches Angela Merkel, the Chancellor, for having failed to begin at once "an open, principled conflict" with the court. But Mrs Merkel is astute enough to realise that there are no votes to be won by taking on the Constitutional Court, which enjoys greater respect than the political class.
This is why in the long term I expect the court's view to be decisive: it reflects German public opinion. When I lived in Germany, from 1994-2000, I found the people imbued with an entirely reasonable desire to run their own affairs. They wanted good relations with other Europeans, but could see neither sense nor justice in being told what to do by the power-hungry international bureaucracy now established in the Belgian capital.
The German example prompts the question of whether, as Lord Owen has urged, we should ask our new Supreme Court to take on a similar role, as the guardian of a constitution that our politicians cannot be trusted to uphold.
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