9/11: Follow the Money Patriot and researcher: Indira SinghBrasscheck TV Home More videos like this
How to read this
Unfortunately, this is a very disjointed presentation and the only way to "get" it is to watch the whole thing (both videos.)
Then you need to do some homework on something called PROMIS and the Inslaw scandal. (Link to relevant videos below.)
If you don't have the time or are unwilling to put in the time, you're simply not going to understand what's being said here.
The question is how much do you care?
The speaker, Indira Singh, is an expert on computer security, detecting fraud in complex financial systems, a former highly regarded executive with Morgan Stanley, and a former DAPRA consultant with high security clearance,
The broader context
9/11 is the 21st century version of Iran-Contra. Singh digs deeper into the details than anyone else.
It's the same people using same methods: BCCI alumni, the CIA, the Bush family and their colleagues, drug dealers, arms traders, Arab royalty, Texas white collar criminals, corrupt government officials, a totally supine news media, and law enforcement officials who are in over their heads.
Here's what these very same folks were up to in the 1980s
See: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/673.html
Note: These very same people are involved in the impending land grab to build the Mexico-US-Canada superhighway that's designed to obliterate US sovereignty and, in my opinion, simplify massive natural resource extraction from a soon-to-be-bankrupt United States and Canada.
Remember the massive instant wealth that was created by government insiders who brokered asset deals when the former Soviet Union collapsed? You ain't seen nothing yet.
Ripping off the nation on a massive scale is as American as apple pie for certain noxious elements of American society.
You've got to hand it to these people. They know how to plan ahead, they think big and they're not afraid to steal (and kill) in broad daylight. Then again with a news media like ours, why should they worry?
See: Bye-bye USA
Friday, 11 September 2009
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Britannia Radio