Monday, 7 September 2009

Brasscheck TV

People often ask me where the economy is headed.
Isn't it obvious?
Apparently not.
Here's the scoop:
1. The world runs on credit - and not just credit cards and mortgage loans. Shippers, manufacturers, miners, retailers, farmers...they're all dependent on credit.
2. The credit markets are still in disarray and the structural problems are on an epic scale
3. The only reason the credit markets are functioning is because they're being propped up by non-stop government intervention, So you tell me... If you pay a visit on a friend and he has eighteen tubes in him and is on a ventilator, how healthy do you think he is? What do you think his prospects are? ?
My recommendations are simple:
1. Stop buying junk
2. Don't make any purchases (real estate especially) that requires credit
3. Save every nickel you can
4. Stay the f*** out of the stock market and other financial games
5. Make sure whatever cash assets you have are distributed among several financial institutions that have the highest possible rating
6. Learn to cook healthy food - grains and greens
7. Remember there's a lot more to life than being a consumer  

Here's a video we made from a fascinating bit of conversation taken straight from the Chicago Board of Trade. 

These guys know the credit markets, they know what condition they're in and they know what will happen when eventually the second down leg comes.  

You might have to watch and listen three times to absorb it all: -

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and videos with friends and colleagues.
That's how we grow. Thanks.
Brasscheck TV 2380 California St. San Francisco, CA 94115