Resurgent Taliban Have US on the Ropes

Approaching the eighth anniversary of the Taliban-aided Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11, Afghanistan's medieval Muslim fanatics have not only made a big comeback--as reportedhere--but have been emboldened (by Obama) to demand help from the U.N. and the so-called international community following a U.S. air strike . Click here for the story.
Is Yemen's Security Vital to the US?

Interestingly, while Obama has praised Israel, he has not described its security as vital to the U.S. Republican Presidents, in contrast, have, since Ronald Reagan, referred to Israel--a vital, vibrant democracy--as both an ally and a strategic asset of the U.S. Left-wing Democrats, to whom Obama owes his Presidency, disagree. Like their European counterparts, the dumbbell Democrats regard Israel as a liability and a mistake--a country that should never have been allowed to come into existence.
Chavez Supports, Stars in Stone's Anti-US Movie

On the heels of promising to sell gasoline to Iran--an important move given calls for a blockade of refined oil products to the nuclear-arming rogue state--Venezuelan despot Hugo Chavez made an appearance at the Venice Film Festival. He strolled down the red (as in VIP, not Communist) carpet with film director Oliver Stone. Chavez appears in Stone's anti-American documentary, South of the Border. Click here for the story.
Stone's hatred of the United States goes back decades. He has long regarded the U.S. as an imperialist exploiter of Third World nations in general and Latin American nations in particular.
A fan of Fidel Castro, among other anti-American Third World leaders, Stone sees Chavez as a hero willing to stand up to U.S. bullying and meddling.
Muslim Fanatics Found Guilty of Airline Bomb Plot

The Islamic fundamentalists planned mass murder using liquid bombs and airliners. Clickhere for the report.
Could Swine Flu Scare be a Path to Martial Law?
Could a form of martial law be imminent? Obama appears ready to cross the Rubicon, and all he needs is a killer virus.
Let’s connect some dots.
Remember President Obama’s Executive Order basing 80,000 active troops at home for the first time in the history of the peacetime military establishment to “help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack….”
Now connect that information to the recent announcement that the military has established regional deployment locations all across the United States to “assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.”
Civil unrest and crowd control? Significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall? What do they know that we don’t?
Continue here.
The article reads like a plot for a Hollywood thriller. Click below for an example.