Sunday, 27 September 2009

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


Ireland's EU referendum is the last stand against the 'project'

EU President Jose-Manuel Barroso

Brussels has pulled out all the stops to get a Yes from the Irish, saysChristopher Booker.

26 Sep 2009

Barack Obama is cooling on global warming

The President's speech to the UN on climate change was commitment-lite, says Christopher Booker.

26 Sep 2009

EU president's palace will cost us millions

The new folly in Brussels will cost UK taxpayers millions of pounds, says Christopher Booker.

26 Sep 2009

How the Libyan connection will keep our lights on

Christopher Booker Could the release of Adelbasset Ali Al-Megrahi, the alleged Lockerbie bomber, be connected to Britain's energy crisis?

19 Sep 2009

The toxic by-products of eco-politics

The ban on the sale of 100 watt and frosted bulbs may save tons of CO2 each year, but it is a drop in the ocean when it comes to saving the planet, writes Christopher Booker.

12 Sep 2009

How we help to arm the Taliban

Getty British Marines How we hwlp to arm the Taliban

British and other Western taxpayers are helping to fund the Taliban, writesChristopher Booker

12 Sep 2009

New 'hockey stick' graph on climate change under fire

The US National Academy of Sciences claims 'hockey stick' graph on climate change is flawed, writesChristopher Booker.

12 Sep 2009

US dishonours its promise to Iranian refugees

Why are world leaders ignoring the fate of exiles belonging to the People’s Mujahideen of Iran, asksChristopher Booker.

05 Sep 2009

Defra confirms its bulb 'ban' is not legal

Low-energy light bulbs are widely detested and their energy savings and benefits vastly overstated, saysChristopher Booker.

05 Sep 2009

Arctic ice proves to be slippery stuff

The extent of the sea-ice is now half a million square kilometres more than it was this time last year, saysChristopher Booker.

05 Sep 2009

The City shrinks without Lord Turner's help

Before Lord Turner moves to close down the City altogether, he might note that the Government and Brussels are making a pretty good job of it without his help, saysChristopher Booker.

29 Aug 2009

Defra lacks power to ban our bulbs

How are shops supposed to decide whether a customer intends a 100W bulb for use in a 'household', wondersChristopher Booker.

29 Aug 2009