The 48 year-old, head of the South Asia desk of the British Foreign Office, was watching a television report about the death of a farmer killed by Israeli bombs when he exclaimed: ''******* Israelis, ******* Jews''. Fellow gym members Gideon Falter and William Lemaine, who were on a lower floor using weights, overheard Laxton, who was on an exercise bike, and complained to staff at the gym. The incident, which took place at the London Business School gym on the evening of January 27, was described by Laxton's counsel as a ''moment of madness''. Julian Knowles said: ''It is a cliche, but it's a cliche that fits in this situation. ''It was a moment of madness for Mr Laxton, which is going to have very grave and long-term consequences.'' He told the court Laxton had completed divorce proceedings that morning and added: ''Whatever happens in court is secondary to the effect it will have on his career and his reputation.'' The outburst was not premeditated, Mr Knowles told the court, and said: ''It was extraordinarily out of character for Mr Laxton. He used utterly debase comments, but he is not an anti-Semite.'' Laxton, whose salary after tax is £3,000 a month, was fined £350 at the City of Westminster Magistrates' Court after District Judge Howard Riddle found him guilty of racially aggravated harassment, a charge he had denied. He was also ordered to pay £500 prosecution costs and a £15 victim surcharge. District Judge Riddle said there was no need for compensation to be paid. Mr Falter claimed he also heard Laxton say: "If I had my way, the ******* international community should be sent in, and if the Israelis got in the way, they'd be blown off the ******* earth." Laxton denied saying that however, and told Mr Falter he was sorry if he had offended him. Laxton previously told the court he was embarrassed by what happened, and was aware he had embarrassed the Foreign Office. He said during an earlier hearing: "We are all human. I erred. I don't normally swear." Laxton also said "******* despicable" while watching the television report, and admitted it was an "unhelpful and gratuitous comment". In a written judgment, District Judge Riddle said Laxton had been under stress on the day, and may have been oblivious to others around him. He said: "This was not a legitimate protest - it was an emotional reaction. "It is hard to imagine the circumstances when saying '******* Jews' in a gym used by other people, and overheard by two strangers 20 feet away, could be considered reasonable." Speaking outside court on Thursday, Mr Knowles said: "Mr Laxton is very disappointed by the outcome of today, and he will be considering his next steps with his legal team." Laxton was suspended from his job earlier this year and could now be sacked. A misconduct hearing is likely to start this week. A Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) spokeswoman said: "The FCO takes very seriously any suggestion of inappropriate behaviour by its staff. "The case will now be considered under the FCO's misconduct procedure. This is an internal matter and it would therefore be wrong to comment further."Civil servant fined for racist outburst against Jews
Rowan Laxton, a Foreign Office civil servant, has been found guilty of shouting '******* Jews'' while he exercised in a gym.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
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Britannia Radio