Monday, 28 September 2009

The destroyers who control Congress, the White House & media
One world government means one world religion and that's where the Rick Warren's of the world come into play. Warren's mission is "modern religion." His crusade is to build a "unified theology" which pushes "civility". I've watched him and he's very slick. There is a huge effort world wide to "blend" the world's religions, ending up with some wacky version the "New Age" baloney. The number one goal, of course, is to destroy Christianity in this country. It is essential in fostering communism because communism can only flourish in a Godless nation. Global domination under a brutal, communist, totalitarian force is.......
by Devvy Kidd

The Group of Twenty and the Evolution of Global Governance

The bottom line: the United Nations and the G8 have not brought or kept world peace, they have not prevented war and neither have they improved the finances of any country. Furthermore, they have not improved the state of the world either. The only thing they have done is set up an infrastructure that reduces the power and sovereignty of the nation-state. In essence they have de-stabilized the world. Who really runs the country and the world? He who has the gold makes the rules and it is not governments!.......
by Joan Veon

A Surveillance Society or a Free Society?

Americans have the responsibility to pass on to their children and grandchildren the rights, liberty and freedom that so many sacrificed for, in order to live in a free society. Americans have the responsibility to resist a surveillance society, which is contrary to those rights, that liberty, and that freedom. The men and women in law enforcement, the military, and in intelligence agencies commit to upholding the U.S. Constitution. They share in the responsibility of protecting those rights, that liberty and that freedom......
by Mark Lerner

Futility of two purposeless wars: Iraq and Afghanistan
Remaining in Iraq and Afghanistan reminds me of sticking a hand in a pail of water. While in the water, the hand creates change. But once the hand withdraws, the water returns to its original condition. Whether we leave in a year or 10 years or vacated those countries five years ago, it would all return to an ancient culture. Just like Vietnam! In all, three purposeless wars caused enormous death, suffering, cost and global instability. It’s time for the U.S. to pursue the “peace option.”.....
by Frosty Wooldridge 

18 reasons why you should NOT vaccinate your children against the flu
Will we ever learn if the flu vaccine this year is deadly in itself? In 1993 the federal government hid a deadly flu vaccine that killed thousands of nursing home patients. It was the first year that flu shots were paid for by Medicare. The vaccine-related mortality was so large that this set back the life expectancy of Americans for the first time since the 1918 Spanish flu! Mortality reports take a year or two to tabulate and the federal government may choose not to reveal the true mortality rate and whether it was related to the flu or the vaccines. You say this couldn’t happen?........
by Bill Sardi

The Four Cardinal Errors That Almost Destroyed America, Part 2

The tax-exempt Rockefeller Foundation would later bankroll Dewey at Columbia State Teachers College. Thus would arise so-called Progressive Education. Dewey’s philosophy advanced as the goals of education not the transmission of knowledge, or the integrated study of those disciplines (history, philosophy, theology, etc.) necessary for an understanding of our Republic’s founding, but “adjustment” to a “changing world.” With support from other well-bankrolled professional guilds such as the National Education Association, Progressive Education became the Establishment among teachers and school administrators........
by Steven Yates

In Memory of Don Harkins

Whenever I called Idaho over the last ten years to ask advice, to get reassurance or to just mull over life’s unexplainable events, Don would most often answer the phone. His chipper, lilting voice would greet me with, "Idaho Observer!" I would smile and retort, "So, what are you observing today?".........
by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO