Monday September 28,2009
By Leo McKinstry
GORDON Brown’s hypocrisy is so brazen that it verges on the psychotic.
For months, rumours have swirled around Westminster that the Prime Minister is taking heavy-duty medication to cope with the pressures of his job. Yesterday, in an interview with the BBC, Brown denied this. Yet, judging by his recent pronouncements, he has either lost all grip on reality or is the most shameless fraud in post-war British political history.
The more his Government pursues its destructive course of betrayal, waste and oppression, the more loudly heblathers about his commitment to patriotism, responsibility and fairness.
As the Labour Party gathers for its annual conference in Brighton this week, the Prime Minister has been indulging in his usual duplicity. Without any sense of embarrassment he claimed to be the guardian of the public finances – this from a man who has plunged the nation into unprecedentedlevels of debt with his socialist addiction to state intervention and bureaucracy. Brown posing as the champion of fiscal restraint is like Al Capone promising to drive gangsterism from the streets of Chicago.
![]() ‘He will say anything to deceive the public’ ![]() |
In an attempt to give some weight to this unconvincing rhetoric Brown proposes to introduce a “Fiscal Responsibility Act” which will oblige governments to reduce the deficit by a certain amount every year. Such a measure is atypical piece of unworkable nonsense, like all those meaningless Labour targets on cutting crime or child poverty. It is nothing more than legislative tinkering designed to give the illusion of action.
IF Brown was really worried about his Government’s extravagance he would not have squandered taxpayers’ money on such an epic scale. Equally absurd is his pretence of empathy with the middle class. In another weekend interview he had the nerve to say that “these are thepeople who I identify with”. Really? Then why has he spent the last decade punishing the mainstream majority?
Increasingly brutal taxation, the obliteration of the private pensions system, contempt for the law-abiding and the destruction of our traditional national identity have all been features of Labour’s ideological war against Middle England.
Brown could also be found clinging ever more tightly to the so-called “moral compass” which he says he inherited from his father, a Scottish Presbyterian Minister. Asked about his attitude towards the Tory opposition, he proclaimed with nauseating piety: “I was brought up in a family whereI was taught not to attackpeople personally.”
Let us not forget that this is the Prime Minister who employed the notoriously thuggish Damien McBride as his key aide until earlier this year. As leaked e-mails revealed, McBride was plotting to smear leading Tories on an industrial scale through squalid innuendoes about their private lives.
This has always been thepattern with Brown ever since Labour came to government. Filled with neurotic insecurities, obsessed with clinging on to power, he will say anything in his cynical willingness to deceive the public.
There is never any connection between his words and his deeds. That is why, in his sweating, shifty performances in television interviews, he comes across so much like a modern British version of that disgraced US President Richard Nixon, who liked to proclaim his high moral values while leadinga regime of institutionalisedcorruption.
During one of their numerous spats Brown once famously said to his arch rival Tony Blair: “I’ll never believe another word you say to me.” The British people should feel the same way towards Brown after his dismal record in office. In his very first conference speech as Prime Minister in 2007 hetrumpeted a policy of “British jobs for British workers” while presiding over a system that gives more than 80 per cent of new jobs to migrants.
HE boasts of his belief in “British values” but has accelerated the surrender of our sovereignty to the European Union and, through mass immigration, has turned many urban areas into places where native Britons feel like aliens in their own land. He speaks of his “passion for liberty” yet his Government slides towards totalitarianism, complete with ID cards, databases and universal CCTV.
Brown boasts of his honesty but the Government has rightly become notorious for its sleaziness. Characteristic of his moral turpitude is a decision to allow Baroness Scotland to remain in office despite breaking the law by the employment of an illegal migrant as her cleaner.
In the same vein, all his talk about “fairness”, “personal responsibility” and the “virtue of hard work” is undermined by Brown’s lavish expansion of the welfare state which rewards idleness to such an extent that over five million British people of working age live on benefits.
What is so sickening is that the Labour Party will applaud his hypocrisy in Brighton this week. That is because the party is bent on a vast project to change Britain into a multi cultural, socialist land.
The activists know that the British people do not want that, so, like Brown, they hide behind the rhetoric of deceit. We shouldn’t pay the slightest attention to what Labour says – it is what they do that is so frightening.
Given the wreckage that the Government has created it is the British public, not Brown, who should be on anti-depressants. And the best cure of all would be the ejection of this loathsome hypocrite.