Thursday, 24 September 2009

The Drama and the Farce 

By Uri Avnery 

NO POINT denying it: in the first round of the match between Barack Obama and Binyamin Netanyahu, Obama was beaten. Continue

Time to Change Bernanke's Medication? 

By Greg Palast

I still get a thrill whenever I get my hands on a confidential memo with "The White House, Washington" on the letterhead. Even when--like the one I'm looking at now--it's about a snoozy topic: This week's G-20 summit. But the letter's content shook me awake and may keep me up the rest of the night. Continue

US Govt May Fail In 5 To 10 Years - 

Interview with Marc Faber

By Bloomberg News

Click to view

Tehran dumps dollar for euro

The move was taken because the government wishes to protect itself from the fragility of the US economy and the weak dollar.