'Europe is like life itself. It’s largely what you make of it. I’d like us to emulate Ireland – they went in to win while Margaret Thatcher went in swinging her handbag about,” says Nick Wilton of Bristol-based auto parts company Flying Penguin Enterprises. It’s a philosophical way to begin an assessment of whether the European Unionis good, bad or downright ugly for Britain’s 4.7 million businesses. But the swinging handbag aside, it seems a good place to start. Today, any British business that has ambitions to “win” beyond this island’s shores can target as many of the 500 million potential customers in the EU as they like. Sailing past the odd French port blockade, they should, thanks to the European single market, be able to do so without bumping up against national rules designed to protect local businesses. As Russel Griggs, chairman of the CBI’s small and medium enterprise council, says: “Even the worst Eurosceptic wouldn’t say we shouldn’t have a free trade area in Europe.” The Federation of Small Businesses estimates that the single market is worth £20 billion a year to Britain, a small fraction of the total amount of trade that flows between the UK and mainland Europe, but still worth having. Whatever the exact amount of additional benefit, it seems safe to suggest that the removal of trade barriers has helped both large and small British companies. Even sole traders working from home can more easily import and export goods using their websites. EBay, the auction website, has found that exports make up one in six sales for British online businesses, with Ireland, Germany, France and Italy the leading markets after the United States. The single currency also reduces the cost of handling payments across several countries and potentially reduces the risk of seeing profit margins eroded by currency fluctuations. Alex Cheatle, founder of Ten, a London-based luxury lifestyle service, speaks for many entrepreneurs when he says: “Although I would not want to join [the euro], I am very pleased that they have it.” With British exports declining despite the recent depreciation of the pound, anything that makes it easier to capture new business abroad has to be a good thing. But not every business “wins” from such free-flowing commerce. Road hauliers are among those to complain that British standards are being ignored by continental hauliers. “While UK operators by and large operate what is considered to be the gold standard in terms of compliance with safety regulations, operators coming across from the continent, particularly those from eastern Europe, often fall well short,” the Freight Transport Association has said. In addition, most businesses in Britain do not trade across borders. Official statistics identify only 50,538 exporters operating at the end of June, down by almost two per cent on the year before. There are more importers, at 72,465, but again the recession has taken its toll, with the total down 6 per cent year on year. So if a business doesn’t trade overseas, what does it get out of Europe? The answer seems to be a lot of legislation, much of which imposes business and employment practices alien to Britain. “If you ask most small and medium enterprises about Europe, regulatory burdens will come racing to the top,” says Mr Griggs. Again, some legislation from Europe can benefit some companies. The Forum of Private Business, a trade body, cites the EU motor vehicle block exemption legislation as an example of where Brussels has used its power to act in the interests of small businesses – in this case, letting garages service and repair vehicles by forcing manufacturers to share technical information and parts. But such positive examples seem to be rare. The Institute of Directors says that since 1997 there have been more than 50 employment regulations, most originating from European directives, covering the national minimum wage, rules on health and safety, food labelling, maternity pay and union recognition. The Federation of Small Businesses has become so concerned that it used the European Parliament elections in May to demand that members agree to “delay all new employment and business legislation during the recession”. There are few signs that the European Parliament has listened. David Yeandle, an employment policy expert at the Engineering Employers’ Federation, highlights a wave of new laws coming Britain’s way, from a renewed threat to Britain opting out of the 48-hour working week to new rules on employing agency workers, and an extension of parental leave. Individual businesses can see merit in rules that drive up basic standards across Europe. Colin Stroud’s Cambridge-based business, Contractors Machinery Limited, buys and sells oil rig equipment around the world. Mr Stroud accepts the increase in health and safety legislation that affects his business and those around him, having witnessed the unnecessary deaths of two men on a construction site when a crane collapsed. “And the employment legislation is OK, as it has brought more professionalism to small businesses,” he says. “You can’t work for a small business that does not care for you or treats you badly. There are still a lot of rubbish small businesses out there who abuse employees.” He points to his freight forwarding agent, who is based in Bremen, Germany, as an example of the sort of standards that could be adopted in Britain. He said: 'All of my secretaries can drive a forklift. We train all our staff as they have to know we are in the business of moving goods. If a truckload comes in on a Saturday and it’s urgent, my secretary can do it’.” Other business owners feel that the constant flow of new EU rules has gone too far and suspect that the European Union does not actually favour the business practices that contribute to Britain’s success. “One of the pieces of legislation that I fear is the potential end of the UK opt-out of the 48-hour week,” says John Ball, who runs MoTest, a chain of 10 car repair and MOT centres based in Aldershot, Hampshire. “My business is open seven days a week. We MOT cars all over the weekend, as for many people getting their car MOT’d during the week is difficult because they are at work. “We offer this service that’s popular and our staff like it as they get well paid. If I am told you can no longer have people working for more than 48 hours a week it will upset our customers, our staff and it will cost me money. It is going to threaten my ability to employ 120 people.” Expressing a common complaint about the relationship between Westminster and Brussels, Mr Ball adds: “It is this kind of nonsense that the UK lies down and takes. I would have thought the Government was there to protect my interests and all the other millions of businesses that are open seven days a week, rather than worrying purely about fringe groups that do need some protections, but we don’t all need to be smothered.” The Government and opposition parties seem happy to blame Europe for legislation that is unpopular and to claim credit for laws that they like. With Europe probably accounting for some 50 per cent of legislation passing through Westminster, there are plenty of golden stars and raspberries to pick from. The think tank Open Europe estimates that 70 per cent of the additional cost to business of new UK legislation originates from the EU. Businesses deal with the impact of all these rules every day. On a macro level they are also making a difference to Britain’s image around the world. The World Bank has just ranked Britain as the best country in Europe in which to set up and operate a business, jumping ahead of Denmark for fifth place in the global ranking. But the stream of new employment rules has undermined the flexible labour market and Britain has dropped down these rankings like a stone, falling from 17th position in 2007 to 28th this year. EU legislation enacted in Westminster can also appear more onerous to British businesses than its equivalent on the Continent. Russel Griggs of the CBI phrases the concern like this: “I am not saying we don’t have lots of good European legislation that businesses benefit from, but there’s no equalisation of the implementation across Europe. The way that the French implement something will always be different from the way that the UK implements it.” This sense that Britain complies and the rest of Europe turns a blind eye when it wants to seems borne out by the commission’s efforts to encourage countries to comply with the rules. Only one of 40 infringement proceedings launched by the commission over the past two years was against Britain. Calls from British businesses for a pause in the European project do not sit well in Brussels. The European Commission is keen to push on with its plans to harmonise rules relating to company law and corporate governance, as well as to accounting and auditing. In its mind the single market project “is not a finite task, but rather an ongoing process, requiring constant effort, vigilance and updating” – as small businesses in Britain know only too well.EU: The double-edged sword of doing business with Brussels
To some British companies the EU is a boon, to others it is a source of over-fussy rules that stifle enterprise. Richard Tyler looks at the role of Brussels in business.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
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Britannia Radio