Tuesday, 29 September 2009

eu reform treaty

Irish recession boosts EU vote's Yes camp
eTaiwan News
On June 12 last year, 53 percent voted against the reform treaty, but "voting 'no' is a luxury we don't have any more," said Michael Marsh, Professor of ...
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New era dawns with the EU finally getting its act together
Business Times (subscription)
... they rejected the bloc's Lisbon reform treaty, the Irish are going to vote again on the blueprint on Oct 2. EU officials are not crying victory just yet ...
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Financial Regulatory Forum » Blog Archive » Some hedge funds eager ...
By Reuters Staff
DUBLIN, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Hedge funds which bet unsuccessfully that Ireland would default on its sovereign debt want the country to reject the EU's reform treaty this week to recoup some of their losses, Finance Minister Brian Lenihan ...
Financial Regulatory Forum - http://blogs.reuters.com/financial-regulatory-forum/
Maman Poulet » This Woman is saying Yes to Lisbon again
By Maman Poulet
This is because I feel Lisbon/the Reform Treaty is not really as important as all this fuss that is be being made of it – Nice and accession were the important decisions – the fall of the Berlin wall and everything after that has meant that ... All this stuff about how a No vote will stop things and get the whole reform process started again. Absolute rubbish. The quality of the debate being held in Ireland on EU membership and the future of the Union is an embarrassment. ...
Maman Poulet - http://www.mamanpoulet.com/
Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
The Independent on Sunday noted that Open Europe has put forward a "third way" solution for an alternative referendum on reform of the EU, even if the Lisbon Treaty is ratified. It quoted Open Europe's Lorraine Mullally saying, that, ...
Britannia Radio - http://britanniaradio.blogspot.com/
Open source nutwork « The Clockwork Chartophylax
By woesinger
... Eurosceptics and the UK Independence party are using dubious polling data supplied by militant Irish nationalists associated with a convicted IRA gunrunner in their campaign to kill off the EU's reform blueprint, the Lisbon treaty. ...
The Clockwork Chartophylax - http://chartophylax.kaybensoft.com/
EU adopts new Block Exemption Regulation for liner shipping ...
By admin
The European Commission has adopted a new Block Exemption Regulation revising the current exemption for liner shipping consortia from the EC Treaty's ban on restrictive business practices (Article 81). ... The review of the consortia block exemption regulation completes the reform of the competition rules that apply to maritime transport services. Why are there no transition periods in the Block Exemption Regulation? The new Regulation has been adopted well ahead of its ...
The Gov Monitor - http://thegovmonitor.com