Monday, 7 September 2009

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.

Landis+Gyr applauds new EU energy policies
In all, two Directives and three Regulations make up the new EU energy package. The Directives will require EU Member States to “ensure the implementation ...
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Europen fights France over new packaging directive
European Plastics News
Europen is asking the EU Commission to initiate infringement proceedings against France, claiming that the Grenelle law results in a revision of a 1998 ...
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Brussels is a shining symbol of where the real power lies
The result is a directive that threatens to drive such businesses outside the European Union. Of course there is a case for sensible regulation, ...
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Fears over safety of foreign doctors
Under an EU directive passed in 2004, doctors who qualify in any EU state can move to work in any other member state without tests of their language skills ...
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Boris on the EU
By Millennium3
In my time the Euro-parliament was an amiable backwater, the mother-in-law of parliaments, a herbivorous habitat of oddballs – German ex-stormtroopers, retired Italian porn stars, long-haired Flemish greens, the young Geoff Hoon. The agenda broadly consisted of having ... The result is a directive that threatens to drive such businesses outside the European Union. Of course there is a case for sensible regulation, and there is still time for that directive to be improved. ...
British Democracy Forum -
Trash Planet: United Kingdom -
By Marie Look
Not only is England under the binding obligations of the EU directive, but research shows that England will, in fact, run out of landfill capacity for household waste by the year 2020, with London's non-hazardous landfill sites expected ... In 2003, Scotland passed laws requiring that landfills only accept pre-treated wastes in an effort to reduce the volume of waste and minimize disposal costs. Treatment also reduces biodegradability, as waste biodegrading in landfills ... -
Right turn ahead: Ireland, the Lisbon Treaty and the New World ...
By mediabite
Insurance, banking and other sectors frequently do not respect either the spirit or letter of earlier EU law which should have afforded citizens greater protection and opportunity than it does in many instances. .... The Chamber vigorously lobbied against an EU directive, which would oblige employers to consult their staff and provide them with information on issues affecting them. Instead of an automatic right to such consultation, they demanded that it could only be ...
MediaBite Blog -
The Power of the Euro-parliament and Brussels | Boris Johnson
By Ed
There is a pitiful comparison with Westminster ...the laws of this country are no longer determined by Parliament at Westminster Cor, I thought. This is what. ... The result is a directive that threatens to drive such businesses outside the European Union. Of course there is a case for sensible regulation, and there is still time for that directive to be improved. But who is going to do that work? There is no point in the venture capitalists and the hedge funds lobbying ...
Boris Johnson -