EU’s Click of Death for Old Family Friends 'After more than 70 years as a fixture in Britain’s living rooms, the cathode ray television is to face the final fade-out, as part of the European Union’s battle against climate change. The European commission is demanding that manufacturers cut the energy consumption of televisions by a fifth. Both officials and manufacturers say cathode ray televisions will fall short of the new targets and be consigned to history. The move, which follows the banning of the 100-watt incandescent lightbulb, is part of an EU directive intended to curb the growth in household electricity consumption. Other measures, which come into force next year, include banning washing machines without a cold-wash setting. Cheap but inefficient fridges, freezers and dishwashers will also be banned.' SEE BELOWEU’s click of death for old family friends
PS: For all it's faults, the EU bureaucracy is minuscule compared to the UK's!
Flying is often the cheapest, as well as the quickest way.
I had a quick look on the net, and I can fly London-Berlin for between £25 and £45. The train costs about £150.
According to Via Michelin, the petrol to drive from London to Berlin is about £83.
So why does the cheapest method produce the most CO2?
i mean ours is wasting trillions each year...
our domestic appliances are nothing in comparison. even if all costs are combined together.
they are obvioulsy starting from the wrong end of the spectrum...
The thing is though, most methods of increasing air efficiency mean increasing aircraft noise, and given the public wants it both ways, no wonder no one wants to intervene.
And most stuff made in China produces huge amounts of greenhouse gases and don't meet many human rights with regard to their employees.
@ Sue Davies
First of all, it's unfair, as people's mileages change every year, what if somebody just starts another job 30 miles away? What if somebody's mileage is soley work related, and cannot reduce it?
Or just how about we get fuel cell vehicles and nobody tells us how much we can or can't drive?
Though your flight idea is good, though the tories would never implement that because many of them love their expensive foreign holidays too much.
Grade the products, let us choose and stop this interfering.
If you really want to make a difference allow cheap electric vehicles from China to replace expensive petrol vehicles, cut air travel, force airlines to upgrade their engines.
BUT Even if every person dropped their carbon footprint to .5 tonnes per year it would make no difference to the climate.
Climate change is not real except as a method of making new money in taxes.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
September 13, 2009
Mark Winspear wrote:
Hmmm... I wonder what the carbon footprint is for all the non-productive nanny-state public-sector non-jobs which have been created in the past 10 years? (Don't forget to include every far-east produced and shipped component of each "workstation" comprising PC, phone, desk, chair... andd associated coffee machines, bottled water, air conditioning, etc. etc. - oh, and all the extra HMRC jobs created to extract all the tax needed to keep it's insatiable budget fed).
September 13, 2009 6:04 AM BST
Redmond McDonagh wrote:
Why is flying the big bogey man?
September 13, 2009 4:05 AM BST
Mord . wrote:
shouldnt they be more concerned about getting more efficient government!
September 13, 2009 3:05 AM BST
peter sumpter wrote:
Small terrace house plus attic, four persons with four cars, now can that be justified. What is that carbon foot print, but cars mean jobs, ' catch 22 '.
September 13, 2009 2:01 AM BST
Phil Berry wrote:
@ Joseph Kellie
September 13, 2009 1:29 AM BST
Joseph Kellie wrote:
Why the hell should I have to listen to the EU simpletons.
September 12, 2009 11:50 PM BST
Sue Davies wrote:
Nothing wrong with having efficient appliances. A greater impact would come from rationing fuel and flights. Based on previous year's MOT mileage, issue fuel coupons for only 66%. Motoring reduced by one third! Exceptions such as essential business use or remote location use could be negotiated. Ration flights to only one or perhaps two return flights per annum. Stamping passports will keep record. Tough, maybe, but fair to all.
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Britannia Radio
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