Friday, September 11, 2009
Nuclear-Arming Iran Increasingly Defiant
Regarding its nuclear program, Iran is increasingly, openly defiant. Click here for the story.
Backed up by resurgent Russia and rising China--which refuse to support truly tough sanctions against Iran--the turbaned tyranny clearly believes it is about to achieve its atomic aims. Iran knows that the United States is unwilling to use force to stop Iran from developing nuclear bombs and warheads. Iran also knows--simply from monitoring U.S. media--that its adversary lacks the political will to organize and lead a crippling blockade of Iranian crude oil exports and refined oil imports that could quickly escalate into a shooting war.
That leaves Israel on its own. It must act--alone--to end the Iranian nuclear threat before it ends the Jewish State. Trouble is, Iran has a formidable arsenal of ballistic missiles; and its Lebanese Islamist proxy, Hitlerian Hezbollah, is also bristling with missiles. As such, Iranian/Hezbollah threats to "burn Tel Aviv" and bomb Israel's own nuclear installations must be taken seriously. It must be assumed that Iran means what it says and says what it means in this regard. Not for nothing have Iran's leaders mused publicly about a "world without America and Israel." Not for nothing has Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps test-fired ballistic missiles from cargo ships--with North Korean help.
The Case for Preemptive Strikes
Conclusion: the case for preemptive nuclear strikes on Iranian nuclear and missile sites--and IRGC bases--grows stronger by the day. Israel is a "one bomb country," as its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said. It cannot afford the risk of being hit by a nuclear sneak attack. Neither can Israel afford the risk of experiencing missile bombardments that would result in the rubbling of its main population centers.
Tragically, U.S. appeasement of Islamist Iran--and Islamism in general--has made war inevitable. It is up to Israel to defend its citizens and make sure that the coming conflict is not fought on Iran's terms. For Israel, a nation reborn in the aftermath of the Holocaust--after 2,000 years of Jewish persecution and wandering--nothing else matters.
An energy-hungry world has cynically stood by and watched while Israel has been painted into a corner by a wannabe Hitler--because the country he heads is rich in oil. Now, that same oil-dependent world will have to live with the nightmarish situation it has wrought.A Fatal Error?
Eight years after the 9/11 attacks on the United States by Al Qaeda, which were launched from Afghanistan, the country's former rulers are rapidly regaining ground and poised for a complete comeback.
That the Taliban still exist is bad enough. That they are winning the war in Afghanistan is inexcusable--but not surprising. Instead of utterly destroying and defeating its Islamist foes, the U.S. dislodged them. Taliban leader Mullah Omar and his most senior commanders--along with Al Qaeda leader Osama Binladen and his most senior henchmen--were inexplicably allowed to escape into neighboring Pakistan instead of being wiped off the face of the earth by any and all necessary means.
In other words, the U.S. made the mistake of wounding but not killing the venomous Islamist snake--the deadliest enemy the world has faced since the rise of Nazi Germany. Americans have paid dearly for this error. One can only hope it will not prove to be catastrophic in the months and years ahead as Islamists advance toward acquiring atomic arms.
POSTSCRIPT: George W. Bush declared war on terror instead of on radical Islam to avoid offending Muslims--meaning nuclear-armed Pakistan and oil-producing Saudi Arabia, many say. Barack Obama says he avoids using the "War on Terror" term to avoid offending Muslims, as reported here. Is there any light at the end of this tunnel of denial and deception?Thursday, September 10, 2009
Israel Preparing to Attack Iran
Given Iran's ballistic missiles and threats to "burn Tel Aviv," the case for preemptive nuclear strikes on Iran grows stronger by the day.Iran Acquiring Nukes Eight Years After 9/11
Eight years after the Islamist attacks of 9/11, Islamist Iran is about to become a nuclear power; and the United States is appeasing Islamism and accommodating the so-called Muslim World at every turn.
Friday, 11 September 2009
China Confidential analysts believe Israel is readying an attack on Iran's nuclear and missile sites.
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Britannia Radio