Friday, September 18, 2009
china confidential
America's Backyard Enemy Grows Stronger

Government policy documents suggest that Mr Chávez’s aim is to stir up troubles for the United States in many places at once, eventually bringing about the collapse of what he calls “the empire”. Most of the regimes he is cultivating in this enterprise are marked by rigged elections, media censorship, the criminalisation of dissent and leaders for life. Is that the future of Venezuela?
Click here to read the article.
Israel Warns of More Mumbai-Style Attacks
North Korea Aims to Conquer South Korea

China Confidential has repeatedly said that North Korea's Stalinist/Kimist regime will never abandon nuclear weapons because it intends to take over South Korea. South Korea's foreign minister agrees. Click here.
Obama Probably Got Nothing From Russia

The appeaser-in-chief probably got nothing from Russia in return for abandoning European-based missile defense against Iran. Click herefor the analysis.
From the war on the CIA to appeasement of Iran, from encouraging Venezuela to emboldening Hamas and Hezbollah, the Obama administration is making the United States and its allies more vulnerable to attack.
Gold is Unstoppable

Gold is heading for a fifth weekly advance, as reported here.
China Confidential analysts expect the precious metal to continue climbing--with some setbacks and corrections--to $2,000 or higher before the end of next year.
Obama Czar Wants Global Carbon Tax
Obama's new regulatory czar wants a worldwide carbon tax in order to redistribute America's wealth. Click here for the story.