Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Here is your Crux PM update: 

World's largest gold miner makes huge bet on higher prices
Company is raising billions to reduce its hedging book...

Warren Buffett buying the fewest stocks in over 5 years
The Oracle won't comment on the market, but he's selling more than he's buying today...

Taxpayers lose BIG on automaker bailout
Losses of 70% or more likely…

The secretive group keeping gold at $1,000
This entity is quietly guaranteeing your gold investment.

Must-see chart: The credit bubble is being blown again
Runaway money printing driving banks back to pre-crash levels...

Four common money mistakes you're probably making
...and how to easily fix them.

The most explosive asset class in the world just hit a new high
One of the few sectors with 1,000% gain potential is getting moving…


Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux