Here is your Crux PM update:
The professional investor's secret to valuing the stock market
... that's much better than earnings ratios or dividend yields.
Shocking visual evidence of the collapse in world trade
"It's a pity these ships can't sail in the sea of hundred dollar bills being created at the Fed..."
This one tip could save you hundreds... and give you a better shave
Unheard of ideas to make your razor last up to a year.
China is on the brink of disaster
...destined for a bigger implosion than 1990s Japan.
Today's entertainment: The top 10 uses for foreclosed homes
Alternative uses for those 3 million empty houses...
Nassim Taleb: Debt disease is killing the world economy
The "Black Swan" says central bankers have no clue...
Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio