Thursday, 17 September 2009

Here is your Crux PM update:

The professional investor's secret to valuing the stock market
... that's much better than earnings ratios or dividend yields.

Shocking visual evidence of the collapse in world trade
"It's a pity these ships can't sail in the sea of hundred dollar bills being created at the Fed..."

This one tip could save you hundreds... and give you a better shave
Unheard of ideas to make your razor last up to a year.

China is on the brink of disaster
...destined for a bigger implosion than 1990s Japan.

Today's entertainment: The top 10 uses for foreclosed homes
Alternative uses for those 3 million empty houses...

Nassim Taleb: Debt disease is killing the world economy
The "Black Swan" says central bankers have no clue...


Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux