Hi, here is your weekly round-up of highlights from OUT-LAW News. As always, there are plenty of other stories from this week. You can also access our archive of weekly emails.
This week's news on OUT-LAW.COM
EU's investigation of Oracle and Sun could cause rift with US, warns expert
The European Commission's decision to investitgate Oracle's purchase of Sun Microsystems under competition rules could lead to a major rift with US authorities, a competition law expert has warned.
Courts and Parliament 'let us down' on personal data trade, says privacy watchdog
Information Commissioner Christopher Graham has said that the courts and Parliament are to blame for the ongoing trade in personal information uncovered by its Motorman investigation.
EU consults on copyright problems of digitising libraries
The European Commission will conduct a consultation on how best to operate a digital library of Europe's scanned-in books. Unlike Google's controversial digitisation programme, the EU's existing digital library does not scan in copyrighted works.
Scottish Government publishes plans to reduce personal data collection
The Scottish Government plans to reduce the amount of information on citizens held by large public databases and curb the collection and use of personal data by public authorities.
German Government lodges objection to Google Books deal
The German Government has lodged an objection to the deal which will allow Google to continue to scan, and sell digitised copies of, many of the world's in-copyright books.
Industry agrees restrictions on mobile payments swipe technology
The Government and mobile phone companies have agreed guidelines to attempt to limit misuse of mobile phones as payment systems. The guidelines will stop phones working as payment mechanisms in certain ways.

OUT-LAW Radio: The forgotten IP right
03/09/2009: We talk to a lobbyist who is petitioning the UK's Prime Minister to raise the profile of possibly the least talked about intellectual property right: design rights.