How the Soviet Menace Was Hyped For Britons, The Party Game Is Over U.S. Death Squads Roam The Globe Post-Bubble Malaise It's A Cover Up, Not A Recovery Who Really Crashed the Economy?: The Wall Street corporations funding the front organizations that orchestrate these and other diversions hope we will forget that America’s number one problem is Wall Street—and the overpaid Wall Street casino gamblers who destroyed our economy in a reckless test of the theory that markets can self-regulate and that the unrestrained pursuit of individual greed is beneficial to society. Mixing the whitewash: US Panel Begins Inquiry Into Financial Meltdown: Four months after its creation, a congressionally appointed panel modeled after the 9/11 Commission and the Iraq Study Group is opening a 15-month investigation into the causes of last year's economy-crippling financial collapse. US poverty rate hits 11-year high: Poverty in the United States climbed to 13.2 percent in 2008, up from 12.5 percent in 2007, the highest level since 1997. The increase came as millions of workers lost their jobs in the first year of the worst economic slump since the Great
By Melvin A. Goodman
To understand what happened to the United States over the past three decades, a good place to start is by examining the battles fought within the CIA’s analytical division over evidence of Soviet capabilities and intentions, which were systematically hyped by Cold War hardliners.Continue
By John Pilger
By refusing to bring the troops home, Brown is likely to provoke an atrocity by young British Muslims who view the war as a western crusade; the recent Old Bailey trail made that clear. He has been told as much by British intelligence and security services. Brown’s own security adviser has said as much publicly. As with Tony Blair and the bombs of 7 July 2005, he will bear ultimate responsibility for bringing violence and grief to his own people. Continue
Commando Raid in Somalia is Latest in Covert Operations
By Bill Roggio
The attack in southern Somalia that targeted and killed a senior "al Qaeda leader" wanted for several deadly attacks is the latest in a series of covert operations carried out by US and allied special operations. At least four other high-profile raids by ground forces took place in Pakistan, Madagascar, and Syria over the past several years, while others have gone unreported, according to US officials. Continue
By Mike Whitney
The question is, how long can the Obama administration write checks on an account that's overdrawn by $11 trillion. Continue
"We Are In The Early Stages Of A Revolution"
This Is a Must Watch Video
Gerald Celente - the most trusted name in trends - sits down for an exclusive interview with RT's Anastasia Churkina to talk about what the future holds for America during and after the Great Recession, gives advice to Obama, and forecasts the unexpected. Continue
Friday, 18 September 2009
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Britannia Radio