
The TUC , the Cabinet Office and the New Fascism…Lincolnshires Anti British Council,
September 17, 2009 · 2 Comments
The TUC , the Cabinet Office and the New Fascism
September 17, 2009 by George Fanning
Filed under National News
Labour Communities Secretary John Denham has raised the spectre of a return to 1930’s Fascism, and in one respect, he is absolutely right. It is perfectly true that a sinister new Fascism is on the march in Britain but, of course, it does not come from the British National Party or the nationalist movement.
In modern European history, there have been two categories of regime which sought to hound dissidents from their jobs, solely on the grounds of their political affiliation.
The communist regimes of Eastern Europe formed one group, and most notoriously, Nazi Germany and her Fascist allies formed the other. In Communist Eastern Europe, the tactic of depriving political dissidents of their livelihood and forcing them into menial occupations developed into a finely honed instrument of state policy.
Now, in 21st Century Britain, Fascist-style political job harassment is again back in vogue: the modish preoccupation of government ministers, Trade Union barons, Establishment journalists and Cabinet Office bureaucrats alike.
At the TUC’s Liverpool rally this week, a parade of tin pot Trade Union gauleiters marched onto the platform to deliver their shrill demands that BNP members be hounded from public sector jobs, deprived of their livelihoods and herded into ghettos of unemployment and poverty. The admiring ghosts of Himmler and Goebbels were surely there in the audience at the Liverpool TUC, vigorously applauding the TUC’s latter-day Final Solution to that tiresome BNP problem.
For the TUC have adopted an archaic and wicked stratagem: to construct a baseless lie and then use it to justify a hate-fuelled reign of terror. The TUC barons have deliberately taken the first steps of a journey along the same road which led Christian martyrs into the Roman arena, Soviet dissidents into the gulag and Jews into Auschwitz. According to this blood libel for the third millennium, BNP members are “subhuman” and “racist”, anti-democrats who must not be afforded the protection of the law.
Even the most cursory inspection reveals the bright shining lie under the thin crust of their transparent arguments. Far from being anti-democratic, the British National Party’s policy programme calls for a massive expansion of democracy through credible, locally-elected structures and the roll out of Swiss-style direct democracy to many aspects of government. Democratic nationalists are true democrats, because unlike Lib-Lab-Con politicians, we wholeheartedly trust the judgement of the people on important questions such as EU membership, capital punishment, traditional education and mass immigration. Why would we not respect the institution of democracy, when we concur with popular opinion on almost every subject?
Of course, there is no evidence that Civil Servants, teachers or nurses who join the BNP are any more likely to abuse their public-sector employment than the adherents of any other political belief or religious creed. Indeed, they are much less likely to do so. There is abundant evidence of extremist Left-wing teachers indoctrinating their pupils with their anti-democratic revolutionary convictions, yet neither Labour ministers, nor the TUC, have ever advocated a ban on Socialist Worker Party membership among teachers. Indeed, there are certainly a great many public servants and officials who espouse hard-line Islamist views, but no attempt has ever been made, or ever will be made, to root them out – they are far more likely to be cultivated, glad-handed and appeased.
So our desperate enemies are starting with sophistry and racing towards Fascism through a journey of breathtaking hypocrisy, to which they themselves seem entirely oblivious. On the very day that the two-faced TUC passed a “composite” motion calling for BNP members to be ejected from their livelihoods, they also approved a statement berating employers who “blacklist” trade union activists.
Still more astonishingly, the Guardian Newspaper reported the following extraordinary quote from a Cabinet Office Civil Service spokesman about the jihad they are apparently planning against BNP members in the Civil Service. The spokesman said: “The civil service also has a diversity strategy with a clear commitment to zero tolerance of discrimination on any grounds.” Clearly the Cabinet Office has zero tolerance of discrimination (unless it is ordered by the Labour Party, politically motivated, and targeted against a lawful opposition political party supported by one million British voters.)
Have intellectual standards really declined to the point where a senior civil servant can condemn himself by his own words with so little insight into the depth of his own hypocrisy? There was once a time when well-educated leaders of the British Civil Service, placed in this situation, would have read Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible and recognised themselves in the role of Witchfinder. Now it appears that insight and erudition have been consigned to history, and that an ability to chant the mystic mantras of the multicult faith is the sole qualification for Civil Service promotion.
Whitehall civil servants, who are currently formulating plans for politically-motivated discrimination, would do well to contemplate the fate of their predecessors in Nazi Germany and Communist Eastern Europe who promulgated similar policies. When political winds changed, those guilty men were held to account for their misdeeds and were not saved from their fate by limp protestations about being lowly functionaries, only ‘obeying orders’. The tides of history turn quickly enough and those who run with the bloodthirsty pack today may soon find themselves standing alone in the dock, as those over-zealous American CIA agents who fought Bush’s War on Terror a few short years ago are already finding to their cost.
So if you happen to be a Cabinet Office civil servant plotting a pogrom against members of a lawful, registered political party, you would be wise to consider now how you will justify yourself to a court in 10 or 20 years time, how you will explain to a jury that your political witch-hunts complied with the Civil Service’s “clear commitment to zero tolerance of discrimination on any grounds”.
The BNP has a great many members who work in the public services and many of them will certainly challenge this pogrom through the courts. It is a savage indictment of the so-called “Human Rights Act” that this political reign of terror is being contemplated at all, even by this wicked and decaying Labour regime and its TUC and Civil Service co-conspirators. It seems that Labour’s bizarre “Human Rights Act” prevents a convicted transvestite rapist and murderer from being detained in a men’s prison, but does nothing to deter a malign government from victimizing members of a lawful and electorally successful opposition party.
In the looking-glass world of 21st Century Britain, with a legal system corrupted by decades of perverse legislation, there may perhaps be no legal remedy. But there certainly will be a rich political harvest for the BNP to reap. Once again, the British National Party is set to benefit from natural sympathy for the brave and defiant underdog, viciously kicked by a sneering and hated overlord.
The British National Party has survived so far because every last act of bigoted political persecution has eventually backfired against the persecutors, and this resurgence of the Fascist politics of hate at the TUC and the Cabinet Office will be no exception.
Indigenous British People Brushed Aside by NE Lincolnshire Council Housing Policy
September 16, 2009 by BNP News
Filed under National News
Indigenous British people are being brushed aside in favour of people from “black and minority ethnic groups” by North East Lincolnshire Council’s housing policy.
The latest shocking example of Britain’s colonisation by Third Worlders has come with an announcement by the council that BME “ethnic groups are to get dedicated support workers to help them find and maintain homes in North East Lincolnshire.”
The York Housing Association has been chosen by Liberal Democrat controlled North East Lincolnshire Council to help the non-British people “access facilities and become more involved with the local community.”
Two housing support workers will be employed to work with the community, and translation and interpreting services will also be provided.
A report published in 2007 by the Labour Party-affiliated Institute for Public Policy Review (IPPR) entitled “Britain’s Immigrants, an Economic Profile” showed that 80% of Somalis, 49% of Turks, 41% of Bangladeshis, 39% of Ghanaians, 35% of Jamaicans, 33% of Iranians, 29% of Nigerians, 21% of Ugandans, 20% of Zimbabweans, 15% of Filipinos, 15% of Pakistanis, 14% of Sri Lankans, 12% of Kenyans and 9% of Chinese immigrants live in public housing.
These figures show that immigrant groups occupy a massively disproportionate amount of public housing compared to their percentage of the population, confirming the long-held suspicion that immigrants are given priority over native British people.
At least the Liberal Democrat controlled NE Lincolnshire Council is open about its anti-British treachery, unlike the Tories and Labour Party which tries to pretend otherwise.
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