International Monetary Fund to Sell Over 403 Tons of Gold to Depress Gold Prices and Boost Stocks 'The International Monetary Fund said its executive board endorsed the sale of 403 tons of gold, worth an estimated 13 billion dollars, to boost its lending capacity to poor countries. Pittsburgh Beefs up Security to Greet G20 Protesters 'Pittsburgh is beefing up security with thousands of extra police, as anti-globalization, anti-war, anti-government and anti-poverty activists descend on it for the G20 summit. Ravenstahl has said protesters will be allowed to exercise their constitutional freedom of speech and assembly "within sight and sound" of the summit venue. It turns out this will be in a strictly delineated area outside of the downtown cultural area where the likes of US President Barack Obama and China's Hu Jintao will be sitting down with other world leaders.' Zbig Brzezinski: Obama Administration Should Tell Israel U.S. Will Attack Israeli Jets if They Try to Attack Iran 'The national security adviser for former President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, gave an interview to The Daily Beast in which he suggested President Obama should make it clear to Israel that if they attempt to attack Iran's nuclear weapons sites the U.S. Air Force will stop them. "We are not exactly impotent little babies," Brzezinski said. "They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch? ... We have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a 'Liberty' in reverse".' Leaked UN Report Claims Swine Flu Could 'Kill Millions' and Cause 'Anarchy' in Poor Nations 'A UN report leaked to The Observer claims that swine flu could "kill millions" of people in poor nations and cause a total breakdown of society unless wealthy nations come up with US$1.5 billion to pay for pandemic vaccines and anti-viral drugs. So what's the real story behind all this? All be blunt: In my opinion, this report is just another Big Pharma scam. It's designed to scare people into sending even more money to the drug companies to buy their drugs and vaccines. The threat of the "complete collapse" of these poorer nations is designed to leverage first-world fear to motivate these nations to spend more money on precisely the things that make the pharmaceutical industry wealthy.' What Exactly Did the Fed Do With Two Trillion Dollars ? 'To combat the financial crisis set off by the collapse of the housing bubble, the Federal Reserve Board has lent out more than $2tn through various special lending facilities. While the Fed discloses aggregate information on the loans made through each of the facilities, it will not disclose how much money it lent to specific banks or under what terms. By contrast, the Treasury puts this information about its $700bn TARP bailout up on its website.' Greg Dyke in BBC 'Conspiracy' Claim 'The BBC is part of a "conspiracy" preventing the "radical changes" needed to UK democracy, the corporation's former director general has said. Greg Dyke told a Lib Dem conference meeting he wanted a commission to look into the "whole political system". But he said: "I fear it will never happen because I fear the political class will stop it".'Monday, 21 September 2009
Monday, 21 September 2009
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Britannia Radio