Irish No Will Not Stop Europe Advancing, Says France 'France has indicated that even if the Irish vote No in their referendum on the Lisbon Treaty on Friday, it will not hinder the European Union from taking steps towards further integration. Pierre Lellouche, France's state secretary for Europe, told French TV on Monday morning (28 September), that a "solution" will be found in case of a second Irish rejection of the treaty as "whatever happens, Europe will advance because we don't have a choice".' EU Intervention in Irish Referendum 'Unlawful' 'Campaigners for a "No" vote have threatened a legal challenge after 1.1 million copies of the European Union booklet were distributed, at a cost to the taxpayer of £139,000. The guide gives a summary of European Union's achievements before outlining how the Lisbon Treaty would help improve life in Ireland further.' Iranian Bioweapon Researcher Dies Suspiciously 'A US-based Iranian doctor working to discover an antitoxin therapy for biological weapons has purportedly died a "suspicious death." One of the leading bioweapon researchers and a regular keynote speaker at international conferences, Dr. Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi died on Saturday in what his doctors described as a "suspicious death". Media reports have linked Dr. Talebzadeh Ordoubadi's mysterious death to his notable accomplishments in discovering an antitoxin treatment for bioweapons.' Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20 'Shocking video has emerged of cops posing as anarchist protesters at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, in yet another example of authorities attempting to provoke chaos at global summits in order to justify a brutal police crackdown. Footage from Saturday night shows three burly older men who look completely out of place with black bandanas over their face walking alongside young protesters during a march against police brutality in a You Tube clip entitled “G20 Epic Undercover Police Fail”.' Read more and see video here... The Real Reasons Behind Federal Reserve Secrecy 'An audit would expose the Fed as a massive fraud perpetrated on this country, enriching a privileged few bankers at the top of our economic food chain, and leaving the rest of us with massively devalued dollars which we are forced to use by law. An audit would make people realize that, while Bernie Madoff defrauded a lot of investors for a lot of money, the Fed has defrauded every one of us by destroying the value of our money. An honest and full accounting of how the money system really works in this country would mean there is not much of a chance the American people would stand for it anymore.'
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
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Britannia Radio