Nigel to stand against Speaker Bercow Thursday, 3rd September 2009 UKIP Leader Nigel Farage is to challenge House of Commons Speaker John Bercow for his Buckingham seat at the General Election. More Tuesday, 1st September 2009 Delegates from all over the country will be arriving in Southport this week for the UK Independence Party’s national conference. More Nigel tells of Irish dirty tricks Tuesday, 1st September 2009 UKIP Leader Nigel Farage has told the BBC of the battle to fight for a 'No" Vote in the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. More Friday, 28th August 2009 Lord Turner, chairman of the Financial Services Authority should be sacked on the spot for floating the idea of a tax on City of London transactions, says UKIP Leader Nigel Farage. More Download the conference programme Thursday, 27th August 2009 You can download the full pdf version of the UKIP 2009 Annual Conference from today. More Lightbulb ban threat to health Wednesday, 26th August 2009 The EU ban on traditional lightbulbs will put people's health at risk, warns UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom. More Tories admit "We'll boost EU contribution" Wednesday, 26th August 2009 The Conservative Party has confessed it would be prepared to increase Britain's financial contributions to the European Union even further if it came into power, just days after it was revealed that EU membership costs the UK £45million a day. More Lightbulb snoops 'like East Germany' Monday, 24th August 2009 Asking people to snoop on shopkeepers who sell traditional lightbulbs banned by the EU has been likened to the practices of East Germany in the 1980s by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage. More Sunday, 23rd August 2009 As UKIP gears up for its annual conference in Southport, the full programme of speakers in the main hall has been announced. More EU is not value for money, says Telegraph Sunday, 23rd August 2009 Britain's increased contribution to the EU could not have come at a worse time with tax receipts falling and Government spending increasing, says the Daily Telegraph. More Latest News
Thursday, 3 September 2009
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Britannia Radio