Monday, September 07, 2009
China Cracks Down on Syringe Stabbers
Brazil's Lula Following Iranian Line

Brazil's left-wing president is falling in line with Iran and Venezuela. Click here for the story.
In a related development, South American sources tell China Confidential that Iran's terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, is increasingly active in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) that binds Puerto Iguazu, Argentina; Ciudad del Este, Paraguay; and Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. The TBA is a center of lawlessness and lucrative criminal activity in South America that includes Russian and Asian gangs and South American criminal syndicates. Hezbollah's extensive operations include fundraising and money laundering amidst the region’s sizeable Arab community. The Hezbollah base, or mission, is controlled by Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Europe's Bravest Politician on the Islamist Menace
posted by Confidential Reporter @ 9:01 PM links to this post 
Video Proof of Muslim March With Cow's Head
Where is the outrage?
Why hasn't America's first Muslim-born President reached out to Hindus?
Iran Boasts it Can Intercept Missiles

Click here for the story.
The case for preemptive nuclear strikes on Iran's nuclear and missile installations grows stronger by the day.
Appeasement has made war inevitable.
Islamist Scum Set to Flog Woman for Wearing Pants
Where is the outrage?
Where is America's first Muslim-born President--according to barbaric Islamic law, which traces religion through the father? Why hasn't the appeaser-in-chief spoken out?
Giant Rat Found in 'Lost Volcano'
SIght unseen, the rat--as big as a cat--is more worthy of respect, more precious as one of God's innocent creatures, than any Islamist imam or terrorist.
US Blogger Dares to Defend Honor Killing Victims
Is Obama Ignoring Islamist Threat?

President Obama heaped much praise on Islam during his five-minute address to Muslims both in the United States and around the world. The president said Ramadan is "a time of intense devotion and reflection" when Muslims fast during the day, perform their prayers at night, and recite and listen to the entire Koran during the course of the month.
"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."
Gary Bauer, chairman of American Values, says Obama does not seem to understand why the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001.
"Radical Islamists hate America, hate our Western allies, hate Christianity, and hate our freedoms," he states bluntly. "And the president can make these nice statements all he wants -- but unless he understands that we are at war with radical Islamofascism, we are going to face very grave dangers in the months and years ahead."
Bauer says it is almost breathtaking to see how much the Obama administration feels compelled to promote Islam.
Islamists Planning Germany's 9/11

Germany is on alert--for good reason--as reported here.
The article by Islamist-leaning, left-wing Newsweek actually minimizes the threat to Germany. China Confidential analysts and intelligence experts say Islamist terrorists are determined to attack Germany.
The Obama administration's outreach to "the Muslim world," coupled with a failed attempt to appease and align with Islamist Iran and so-called reconcilable Taliban elements, has emboldened and encouraged Al Qaeda and its affiliates and sympathizers to believe that the West lacks the political will to defend itself.
Kenya Foiled Al Qaeda Attacks During Clinton Visit

Islamists plotted to carry out bomb attacks in Nairobi during a visit to Kenya's capital by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in August, according to media reports on Sunday.
The foiled plot included plans to detonate explosives in Clinton's hotel.
The terrorists with links to Somalia's Al Qaeda-connected Al Shabaab also planned to set off two more bombs at a bus stop and an adjacent hotel, according to security sources.
Kenyan security officials intercepted communication between the plotters in Somalia and their operatives in Nairobi and foiled the plan about a week before Clinton arrived in Kenya.
Five suspected terrorists were arrested, including a man believed to be Somali carrying a Danish passport. The four other suspects, including a woman, had what appeared to be false Kenyan identity documents.
Clinton held talks with Somalia's interim president, Sheik Sharif Ahmed, during her visit. Al-Shabaab, which has been trying to topple Somalia's weak central government, is a rising regional threat.
Muslim Honor Killings on the Rise in US, Canada

By Daniel Greenfield
More than 5,000 women are victims of honor killings each year. Most of those women are Muslim, and while most of them are killed in Muslim countries—more and more of them are being killed in Europe, Canada and America. A 2007 study by Dr. Amin Muhammad and Dr. Sujay Patel in Canada’s Memorial Hospital observed that honor killing spreads when those whose who practice it emigrate to Western countries.
Honor killings however are only the final act in the drama of a Muslim woman’s life. Before that she is expected to walk behind a man, to be a second class citizen, to cover herself as much as possible in order to deflect male desire and to take the blame for the sexual intentions that men have toward her. She knows that if she fails to deflect male desire, she may suffer a variety of penalties from imprisonment to death. In countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran, those penalties are imposed by courts. In countries like Afghanistan or Pakistan, they are imposed by rough tribal justice. In the West, where there is no Islamic court system or tribal courts, they are imposed by the family....
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