Monday, September 07, 2009
china confidential
Survey Shows Surge of Support for Israel as Obama Fails to Turn Americans Against Jewish State

In spite of President Obama's outreach to "the Muslim world," and relentless pressure on Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders and surrender to Hitlerian Hamas, a new poll shows a surge of support among Americans for the beleaguered Jewish State--the only democracy in the Islamizing Middle East. Click here for the story.
Ironically, Jewish left-wingers and liberals are increasingly hostile to Israel. Enthralled by America's first Muslim-born President (he was born a Muslim according to barbaric Islamic law, which traces religion through the father), these self-hating Jews are abandoning Israel. Many of them seem to believe that they can insulate themselves against the rising tide of Islamist extremism and violence--which the Obama administration is effectively encouraging--by distancing the Diaspora from Jerusalem.
The American Jewish betrayal of Israel--in sharp contrast with the strong support for Israel among Bible-believing Christians and non-Jewish patriots in general--looms as one of the darkest moments in Jewish history. Not since American Jews turned their backs on their brethren in Europe on the eve of the Holocaust--fearing an anti-Semitic backlash in the U.S. at a time when pro-Nazi and pro-fascist sentiment was strong and widespread--has anything this shameful happened across the Jewish world.