..is the word, is the word, it's got meaning.." Did anyone else catch Jeremy Al Bowen's take on Israel PM's speech at the Obamathon at the UN. Just on the Ten News. I loved the way he instantly cast doubt on PM Nehanyahu's assertion that the "tyrants in Tehran" will go nuclear very shortly. Did you see it? Also did you catch the SPIN put on McDoom's disastrous day at the UN. Loved the way they finished the item with his coronation as "Statesman of the year". I recall Twain said that a Statesman is another term for a dead politician. Brown is dead in the water but good old Auntie do their best for the dead man walking..through the UN kitchen. Just over an hour and a half to go to the FIRST in the new series of Question Time and we shall be hosting OUR take on it here. Do come along and counter the bias! Re this earlier post - Hawksley says buy the book, already! That's fair enough, and a fine capitalist response. Or how the lefty media clique perpetuates its dominance of the BBC. A candid little insight into the workings of the BBC from its new Chief Creative Officer of Vision Pat Younge, in avuncular mood at a diversity forum: Have you read this post from the new Justin Webb, Mark Mardell? He ponders on the "special relationship" between the UK and the US in the light of Obama snubbing McDoom at the UN meeting. (No mention of the Megrahi issue, of course) I think Mark provides an interesting insight into BBC elite thinking, Naturally there is denial that any such "special relationship" exists. It only did exist because of all those WASPS, apparently, but now we are the aged and puny relative unworthy of any special attention from the White House occupied by the first black President. ("Born in Hawaii" Mark confidently asserts. Has he seen evidence of this, I wonder?) Liberal self-loathing and depreciation of Britain is an essential asset for those such as Wardell. In fairness, Nick Robinson has a better take here. I received this from a B-BBC reader and thought to share it... "This morning at 5.30 I had the opportunity to compare the difference between Sky and BBC World's coverage of this story. In it, the Iranian president lambasts Israel for actions leading to 'genocide' and then says how wrong it is that 'a few thousand people' world wide can have such an influence on banking, media and world policy - in fact repeating the whole protocols of the elders of Zion, Nazi conspiracy theory. Open Jewish world domination theory in the hall of the UN! The difference between the two reports of verifiable fact was jaw-dropping. Do the BBC World editors hate Israel (and, it would seem, Jewish people world-wide) so much that they are no longer shocked by blatant anti-semitism? The answer, of course, is YES. BBC lead story @ 6am concerns Obama rebuffing Brown's desperate attempts for a formal meeting. One hour later, lead story changes and instead we get the good news about a putative breakthrough in the AIDS vaccine. BBC new running this as THE big story. Meanwhile Sky News does not appear to have received the memo and runs with the Obama snub as lead. BBC - just doing what it can for the Dear Leader. It was a magical moment and, of course, the BBC captured it. The BBC reports here that the report on the events of Bloody Sunday has been delayed again. (Let's hope the lawyers are not out of pocket!) Tribunal chairman Lord Saville has confirmed he hopes to hand the report to the Northern Ireland Secretary at the end of March 2010.MORE TORIES?
The shadow culture secretary has called for the BBC to "actively" recruit more Conservatives to its news team. Jeremy Hunt said the BBC had "made huge strides" on diversity issues but should "not forget the core audience"
The BBC said it would never recruit people for their politics and Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw described it as "unacceptable political interference".
Meanwhile, In The Left Field
'I just worry that they are not going to be that stimulating on screen,' he said. With which words the central creative figure in BBC drama wrote off -- as far as television goes -- not only the theatrical tradition outlined above but also pretty much everything stretching from Harold Pinter back to the Greek tragedies. The only way that the drama canon could work for television, he suggested, was if the plays were treated in a radical way, and most especially if significant cuts were made to their texts. And this, he was worried, wouldn't be appropriate.
Humphrey Hawksley Responds...
"That's the BBC way"
"What I didn't know, and a lot of people don't know, is the subtle stuff about the BBC that you only learn when you've been around. So it's quite normal ... when I did actually get into the BBC, the BBC were looking for onscreen correspondents for the London region. And I saw how much Trevor was making, and the other Trevor (*), and I thought being on screen - yeah, this is where it's at. But in applying for the job my now ex-wife said to me, 'You do realise you've got to find out all the people who are going to interview you and you've got to go and see them.' And I said, 'Don’t be silly. You can't go and tap up all the people that are meant to be interviewing you.' She said, 'That’s the BBC way.' And if you're outside the BBC you don't know this. But when the job is advertised in the BBC it is quite legitimate to find the person who's doing the interview and go and have a conversation with them. And all the internal candidates know that, and all the friends on the outside who know people on the inside know that. And so I went and met all these five people and by the time I came to the interview I knew what each of them wanted because I'd spent half an hour with each of them with them telling me what they were looking for." (* Trevors McDonald and Phillips, I presume.)
"We are definitely a minority within the broadcasting industry but we're nowhere like the minority in terms of white working class people in our industry."
Can the Daily Mail headline be far behind? "Too Few White Working Class at BBC Says Black BBC Boss"NOT SO SPECIAL..?
BBC Once More Open to Climate Change Doubts...
A 13-year-old Indian school girl has addressed world leaders during the inaugural session at the UN Climate Change Summit in New York. During her speech, Yugratna Srivastava from Lucknow appealed to the world's leaders to do more to combat the effects of climate change, asking "is this what we are going to give to our future generations?"
But later the BBC, wishing to be balanced, reported that not all the leaders were impressed... Czech President Vaclav Klaus sharply criticized a U.N. meeting on climate change on Tuesday at which U.S. President Barack Obama was among the top speakers, describing it as propagandistic and undignified. "It was sad and it was frustrating," said Klaus, one of the world's most vocal skeptics on the topic of global warming. "It's a propagandistic exercise where 13-year-old girls from some far-away country perform a pre-rehearsed poem," he said. "It's simply not dignified." ...... Klaus said there were increasing doubts in the scientific community about whether humans are causing changes in the climate or whether the changes are simply naturally occurring phenomena. But politicians, he said, seem to be moving closer to a consensus on climate change. "The train can't be stopped and I consider that a huge mistake," Klaus said.
Whoops – sorry! That comment from the Czech President came fromReuters...couldn’t find it on the BBC – I wonder why?A BLOODY DISGRACE
For many years, leading unionists have labelled Martin McGuinness a member of the IRA's Army Council and, on one occasion, the "IRA godfather of godfathers".
When the Provisional IRA began to emerge (albeit in small numbers) in key nationalist areas in 1969 and 1970, Mr McGuinness joined and rose through its newly formed ranks
Friday, 25 September 2009
Well, that's the warm up line. What are these "huge strides" that so impress Mr Hunt? Not good to hear Conservatives talk in this way. Anyway, here's the punch-line.
That's former BBC employee Ben Bradshaw.
BBC bigging it up for John Maynard Keynes this morning. Just before 8am I heard Humphyrs ponder "Has John Maynard Keynes saved the world" regarding the G20 farce. The political left may not invest a lot in understanding the essence of how economic works but when they do direct their though process that direction, Guru Keynes is their idol. And so the BBC falls in line and offers us Keynes as the answer even though anyone with half a brain would know that Keynesian economic is utterly discredited. I remember when I was doing my Economic degree back in the late 1970's - the lecturers all pushed Keynes and damned monetarism. Of course history proved them wrong but in the lofty bastions of the left, such as the BBC, Keynes never went away and his Utopian follies are now presented to us as the global saviour.
Also, in all the G20 coverage, do you notice how it is "the banks" that are presented as having caused the economic crisis? Why does the BBC sanitise the role of government? In the States we had the (Democrat) CRA as a central dynamic leading to disaster. Here in the UK we had McDoom's ten year spending frenzy and yet, oddly enough, this is not discussed. Why? Is it because the BBC is itself institutionally Statist and cannot conceive that the State itself may be the central problem.
Remember Ben "left of centre" Stephenson, the BBC’s Controller of Drama? Last week he was a panellist at a BFI discussion on "the theatre's relationship to television drama." Here's one guy, writing on his production company's blog, who wasn't impressed with Stephenson's attitude to the classics (emphasis added) :
Now, if you follow the sidelinks the BBC helpfully provides, you will see a profile on Martin McGuinness here and it is that which I would like to address. You see the BBC plays loose and easy with the details of this self-confessed IRA terrorist. It starts off by saying that
True. But not just unionists. Many informed journalists have provided clear evidence that McGuinness was an IRA terrorist, see this as an example. The BBC is instantly portraying this as a sectarian issue when it patently is not. It then moves on to sanitise.
What did Mr McGuinness DO that saw such quick promotion? Nothing from the BBC on that. We can but wonder. The BBC finishes with a flourish...
Irrespective of what position he now holds within the movement, his republican credentials have remained as impeccable to this day.
What does "impeccable" mean in this sense? A trail of terror, or murder, off savagery, culminating in a BBC portrayal as a dove of peace.
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Britannia Radio