Netanyahu addresses UNGA: Is the Holocaust a lie? (Photo Channel 1) "The UN was founded after the carnage of World War 2, "Netanyahu said, adding the organization was "charged with preventing the reoccurrence of such horrendous events. "Nothing has impeded" the work of the UN, he said, "more than the systematic assault on the truth. "Yesterday the president of Iran stood at this podium spewing anti-Semitic rants… Just a few days earlier he claimed the Holocaust is a lie. "Last month I went to a villa in a suburb of Berlin called Wannsee," Netanyahu recalled a visit to the pastoral villa, where over just a few hours on January 20 1942 the Nazis devised the Final Solution - the decision to exterminate the Jews from Europe. Netanyahu then dramatically showed a facsimile copy of Final Solution documents drafted in Wannsee. "Is this protocol a lie?" he asked. "Is the German government lying?" "The day before I was in Wannsee," Netanyahu continued, "I was given in Berlin the original construction plans for the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. "These plans I now hold in my hand," he said, as he was showing the worn-out blueprints to the assembly. "They contain a signature by Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's deputy. "Are these plans of the camp where one million Jews were murdered a lie too?" he asked. Netanyahu then turned to attacking Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying "Yesterday, the man who called the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. For those who refused to come, and those who left in protest - I commend you, you stood up for moral clarity. "But for those who stayed - I say on behalf of the Jewish people, my people and decent people everywhere - have you no shame? No decency? What a disgrace, what a mockery of the charter of the UN."Netanyahu scolds UNGA for turning blind eye to terror
Thursday, 24 September 2009
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Britannia Radio