No to District 10, Tom Nairn
In Peter Jackson's film District 9, an alien spacecraft hangs in the air above Johannesburg. Although the ominous image dominates the story, viewers never learn just why it's there - least of all from its disoriented occupants, a species of...
Unselfish individualism, Rosemary Bechler
An OurKingdom conversation. [History: Jeremy Gilbert > Rosemary Bechler > Jeremy Gilbert > this post]
Jeremy, you take me to task for conflating pluralism on the one hand and individualism on the other, because you are happy to...
Sustainable security, Paul Rogers
A hurricane of crises across the world - financial meltdown, economic recession, social inequality, military power, food insecurity, climate change - presents governments, citizens and thinkers with a defining challenge: to rethink what...
UN condemns human rights abuses in DRC, Sarah Gallagher
The UN has issued two reports detailing human rights abuses and possible war crimes committed during heavy fighting in the eastern DRC in 2008. Abuses were carried out against civilians in a region where many people are now displaced and...