Tomorrow is the eight anniversary of the most heinous terrorist attack ever perpetrated on the United States. Thousands of our friends, family and fellow Americans were murdered in cold blood by vicious terrorists who hated America and what we stand for.
On September 19, 2001, a story ran in the Hyde Park Herald containing then-State-Senator Barack Obama’s response to the 9/11 tragedy. In this piece (quoted in this article from the New Yorker, under the heading “The Speech”), Obama expresses empathy for the murderers! Not anger, not disdain, not a word of sympathy for the victims. His concern was for the murderers
From Obama’s article:
We must also engage, however, in the more difficult task of understanding the sources of such madness. The essence of this tragedy, it seems to me, derives from a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers: an inability to imagine, or connect with, the humanity and suffering of others. Such a failure of empathy, such numbness to the pain of a child or the desperation of a parent, is not innate; nor, history tells us, is it unique to a particular culture, religion, or ethnicity. It may find expression in a particular brand of violence, and may be channeled by particular demagogues or fanatics. Most often, though, it grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.
So are we to feel sorry for these people, Mr. President? It’s not like it was a mystery that there were terrorists out there in the world like this back in 2001. We knew they weren’t poor & uneducated, as Obama seems to believe here. Ponder the fact that it is just this kind of leftist “thinking” that is driving the Marxist/fascist policies emanating from the White House today.
Tomorrow, please pray for the families and friends of the victims, and pray for our country, that it not adopt the kind of thinking that Barack Obama expressed in 2001.
(h/t to Michelle Malkin for originally posting on this last September 11)
UPDATE: Contrast Barack Obama’s response with Tony Blair’s:
So what do we do? Don’t overreact some say. We aren’t. We haven’t lashed out. No missiles on the first night just for effect. Don’t kill innocent people. We are not the ones who waged war on the innocent. We seek the guilty. Look for a diplomatic solution. There is no diplomacy with Bin Laden or the Taliban regime. State an ultimatum and get their response. We stated the ultimatum; they haven’t responded. Understand the causes of terror. Yes, we should try, but let there be no moral ambiguity about this: nothing could ever justify the events of 11 September, and it is to turn justice on its head to pretend it could. The action we take will be proportionate; targeted; we will do all we humanly can to avoid civilian casualties.
But understand what we are dealing with. Listen to the calls of those passengers on the planes. Think of the children on them, told they were going to die. Think of the cruelty beyond our comprehension as amongst the screams and the anguish of the innocent, those hijackers drove at full throttle planes laden with fuel into buildings where tens of thousands worked. They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000 does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it? There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must. Any action taken will be against the terrorist network of Bin Laden.
That is the response of a leader. Obama’s response was that of a coward.
Yes, I am angry. Again.
I…Am Angry
My disgust with the Obama administration grows deeper on a daily basis. But it is more than disgust - it is anger. I have a very difficult time bringing myself to write about the daily stunts propagated by the Obamites, as it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and puts me in a horrid mood. My personality is one that must vent when in such a mood, and so I will.
I am angry.
- I am angry at the so-called “leader of the free world” who cares more about kissing up to dictators and leaders of nations that are our enemies, rather than cooperating with and supporting our friends - a “man” who truly does “pal around with terrorists”…a man who would fly the flag of a Communist country on the front lawn of the freaking White House!
- I am angry at the liar-in-chief who has proposed the systematic socialization of the nation’s healthcare system and who has lied at every turn about the ramifications of the proposals on how this will happen, including lies about single-payer, lies about “death panels,” lies about keeping our existing insurance, lies about health care rationing. The man lies like a cheap hallway floor mat.
- I am angry about how the Constitution has been trampled by the appointment of legions of “czars” - more czars than the Romanov dynasty. Czars who are conspiracy theorists and race-baiters, czars who are eugenicists, czars for tearing apart the healthcare system, czars who are charged with ensuring the breakdown of the free enterprise system….all of these so-called “czars” that have had no Congressional oversight or confirmation and who are not elected by the citizens of the United States.
- I am angry about the attempted indoctrination of my children by the Socialist-in-Chief and the efforts to brainwash them into following their Dear Leader and becoming co-conspirators in his attempts to break down the values of the nation.
- I am angry that this “community organizer” has decided that it is necessary to decimate the economy by spending us into oblivion on a “recovery” plan that was/is nothing more than a liberal ideological wish list.
- I am angry that the citizens of the United States do not receive an unbiased view of the destruction of the free enterprise system; rather, they are witnesses to a massively leftist biased media populated by Obama administration sycophants who have no interest in anything but supporting their man-god.
- I am angry that Obama (remember, he’s not a Muslim!!!!11!!!1!) would ignore the National Day of Prayer yet spend our hard-earned tax money to deliver a special message to Muslims for Ramadan.
- I am angry that the Leftists in DC are in the process of instituting the largest tax increase in history under the guise of preventing “climate change”…that they are willing to play chicken with the economic future of the nation.
- I am angry that this spineless coward who is unwilling to take ownership of the problems that have been brought on by his incompetent policies would have the audacity to claim that he is interested in reducing the federal deficit after single-handedly quadrupling the deficits of the previous administrations.
- I am angry that the voters who elected this abomination of a “President” refuse to note his hypocrisy in opposing the war in Iraq, yet promoting precisely the same scenario in Afghanistan.
- I am angry at the borderline criminal behavior of this man who conspired to remove the Inspector General of Americorps so he could promote his own socialist policies via that organization with no oversight.
- I am angry that my nation would turn citizen against citizen in an attempt to “rat out” dissenters who dare to question the policies of The One.
- I am angry at the liberal Democrats and their cronies who pull the race card at every turn in a feeble attempt to cover up for Obama’s failures and inadequacies. It is inconceivable to them that anyone would dare question their Messiah without racial overtones.
But most of all, I am angry that this nation would be so hoodwinked as to elect this Marxist/Fascist/Socialist nightmare in the first place. How an entire nation could be so misled and fooled by a man such as Barack Obama is an indictment on the intelligence - or at least the attention span - of 53% of the United States electorate.
I am hoping for some catharsis here. But something tells me that tomorrow will bring nothing more than another Obama abomination and in another nine months I’ll have another litany of offenses to list. Or perhaps in 2010, there will be a “revolt of the masses,” as described by Daniel Henninger in today’s WSJ and my anger will be quelled.
In short…I am mad. But, I also want YOU to get mad! I want everyone to respond as activists who will do everything within their power to help Barack Obama fail. I want to see him out of office, and the sooner the better. I want you to be as mad as hell!