Monday, 21 September 2009


Swine Flu Virus Created from Pig Vaccine?

The swine flu virus had three parents from two continents and appeared suddenly without warning, evading all routine flu surveillance and quarantine; sequence data suggest it may have been created from a faulty vaccine given to pigs in North America. Several papers reporting phylogenetic analyses of the gene sequences of the new pandemic swine-origin H1N1 virus (S-OIV) have been published. All show that S-OIV inherited its genes from parents that came from two well-known groups of swine flus. Flu viruses have 8 different genes and in mixed infections sometimes shuffle those genes to form ‘reassortants’ with new combinations of the 8 genes chosen from those of the parents. Several reports have shown that six of the genes of S-OIV came from a ‘triple-reassortant’ influenza virus (or viruses). These viruses have been common in North American pigs for more than a decade, and have never been found in Europe. The other two genes (NA and MP) came from Eurasian ‘avian-like’ viruses common in Europe for longer, but never found in North America. Both groups of viruses have however been found recently in pigs in SE Asia. This report has been submitted to the US FDA and CDC, and to Sir Liam Donaldson, UK’s Chief Medical Officer.
Press Release, Prof. Adrian Gibbs and Dr. Jean Downie, Institute of Science in Society
Related Links:
Safety In Question, Live Attenuated Swine Influenza Vaccine For Children
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins - Institute of Science in Society

Chinese Citizens Seek Redress For Children Killed And Damaged By Vaccines

Yi Wenlong, father of one of the victims of the vaccine,
holds his petition for redress

A group of parents seeking redress for what they say are their children's vaccine-related disabilities travelled to the capital in a centuries-old tradition. They say that their children became crippled after taking polio vaccine or brain-damaged after meningitis vaccine in what appeared to be catastrophic malfunctions of government health drives. "I want the government to punish the official who caused this," said Wang Mingliang, whose 9-month-old daughter died last year after a meningitis vaccination. Almost all the parents seeking redress have secured medical opinions from local hospitals tying their children's death or illness to the vaccinations.
Peter Ford, The Christian Science Monitor

Social Workers Hound UK Girl Paralysed By Cancer Vaccine

Ashleigh had the jab last year
SOCIAL workers are poised to take a teenager into care after her mother claimed she was left paralysed from a cervical cancer jab and are accusing her Mother of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy. Ashleigh Cave, 13, has been in and out of hospital since she was given the jab last year. She is unable to walk unaided, is incontinent and has developed severe joint pains. Mother Cheryl Cave said: “Ashleigh should be in school with her friends but instead she has been in hospital for nearly a year. I believe the vaccine caused her problems and I want someone to be held to account.” Earlier this year, the Sunday Express reported how a medical negligence lawyer had begun an action against vaccine manufacturers HPV after parents of 10 teenagers claimed their children had suffered health complaints following the jab.
Lucy Johnston, Sunday Express

Stop UK Government Abusing Rights Of Internet Users

The Open Rights Group is holding a debate to ask what we *really* need to do about online copyright infringement. Government Minister Peter Mandelson thinks disconnecting filesharers will help the music and film industries. He's plain wrong. This extreme option would trample on the rights of internet users - and the rights of their families - without earning a penny for musicians and film-makers. Two internationally-renowned and exciting speakers will ask: if the government can get things this badly wrong, then why, and what should we really be doing? Join the debate on Friday, October 02, 2009 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (GMT) at The Crypt on the Green, St James Church, Clerkenwell Close, Clerkenwell, London, EC1R 0EA.
Information Release, Open Rights Group

Why We Need H.R.3394 and H.R.3395

The National Health Federation has lobbied Congress for legislation to rein in the out-of-control Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on dietary supplement health claims and advertising. Sponsored by Congressmen Ron Paul (R-TX) and Dan Burton (R-IN), H.R. 3394 and H.R. 3395 are the latest bills to end the use of "regulatory arbitrage" by both Agencies on these health freedom of choice public-policy issues. The NHF strongly believes that these are two bills that the health-freedom community as a whole should support with grassroots letter-writing campaigns, and with Congressional lobbying efforts.
Press Release, Lee Bechtel, National Health Federation