Russia’s economic crisis, Andrew Wilson
Russia is one of those countries for which the economic crisis ought to be a blessing in disguise. Over the last boom decade, high energy prices have excused a multitude of pathologies: corruption got worse because there was more to steal; Putin...
Scotland independent?, Gerry Hassan
The world of politics and history sometimes throws up by complete accident fascinating and revealing coincidences. So it proved on the 70th anniversary of Britain and France reluctantly declaring war on Nazi Germany after Hitler had taken the...
War gone wrong, Paul Rogers
The debate in Washington about the Barack Obama administration's future strategy in Afghanistan is intensifying. The imminent publication of General Stanley McChrystal's report on the progress of the war is being signalled by multiple
Secure Bradford before Helmand, John Mackinlay
Resignations and continuing casualties now challenge the UK government's long term commitment to Afghanistan and the relevance of costly operations in Helmand to UK's domestic security. Far from clarifying this issue, recent ministerial...
At least sixty dead in Afghanistan air strike, Oliver Scanlan
It was reported on Friday that a NATO air strike on hijacked oil tankers in northern Afghanistan claimed the lives of sixty people, many of them civilians. According to the local police chief Gulam Mohyuddin, the air raid occurred in Kunduz...
Iran: Players or Pawns?,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a man of many labels; Iran's ‘everyman' crusading for the nation's downtrodden, champion of the Muslim world, self-fashioned historian with an amnesic grasp of 20th century events and, most recently, vote rigger...