Saturday, September 05, 2009
china confidential
Iran Close to Making Nuclear Bombs and Warheads
Early warning....
Israeli analysts believe Iran will be able to produce at least two nuclear bombs by next February and nuclear warheads shortly thereafter.Arab Country Expelling Palestinians
The UAE is deporting Palestinians, and Arab countries are refusing to take them in, as reported here.
Imagine if a non-Muslim majority country did this. Imagine the reaction from the world community.
Imagine U.S. President Barack Obama's reaction if Israel did it....UK and BP Lied About Libyan Bomber Deal
Shame on Britain. Shame on BP.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
The government and the oil giant effectively lied about their role in the disgraceful release of the mass-murdering Libyan terrorist. The UK and BP have descended to shocking depths not seen since Britain's pre-World War II appeasement of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany--and treasonous prewar plots and activities by Nazi-sympathizing, British aristocrats.
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Britannia Radio